Month: January 2014

Improvements to Oral Health on WHO List of Objectives

The World Health Organization takes oral health seriously and so should youThe World Health Organization has recognized that chronic, preventable oral health problems such as gum disease and tooth decay are causing significant suffering around the world. Because...

Dental Implants FAQ

Get answers to some commonly asked questions about dental implantsIf you’re interested in getting dental implants to replace your missing teeth, your best bet is to talk to your dentist about your eligibility for this surgical procedure. While your dentist is the...

Visit the Dentist for Help Controlling Bad Breath

Regular dental cleanings & exams can help prevent most of the issues that cause bad breath Does your breath smell? Do you notice other people stepping away when you speak to them? Are you constantly chewing mints or gum in an attempt to mask your bad breath?...

The Dental Implant Process

Learn about the steps involved in the process of getting dental implantsGetting dental implants is a lengthy process involving at least one surgery and several months of recovery before the final implant crown is placed. However, because dental implants provide such a...

4 Tooth-Saving Tips for When You Can’t Brush

Help keep your teeth a little cleaner and healthier even when you can’t brushWe all know we’re supposed to brush after every meal in order to remove food particles that can cause tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath, as well as to help prevent staining associated...
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