Dental News

Visit the Dentist for Help Controlling Bad Breath

January 29, 2014

Regular dental cleanings & exams can help prevent most of the issues that cause bad breath

Cleaning & examDoes your breath smell? Do you notice other people stepping away when you speak to them? Are you constantly chewing mints or gum in an attempt to mask your bad breath? Almost everyone has experienced the embarrassment of bad breath at some point or another, even if it was just a temporary condition caused by eating a smelly food like garlic or onions. If you have persistent bad breath, stop feeling embarrassed about your problem and go talk to your dentist about it. A caring dentist from California Dental Group will be happy to help you come up with a plan for addressing and correcting your persistent bad breath.

What Causes Bad Breath?

The root cause of most people’s bad breath is poor oral hygiene. When you don’t brush and floss away the food particles that get stuck between teeth and under the gum line after eating, these particles begin to get broken down by bacteria. As the bacteria work, they release byproducts that not only harm teeth but also smell bad. These bacteria can live all over the mouth, on the teeth, gums, and tongue.

In some cases, certain medical conditions can also cause or contribute to bad breath. For example, if you have dry mouth you may be more susceptible to developing bad breath because you won’t have enough saliva to wash away food particles. Individuals who suffer from respiratory tract infections, diabetes, chronic acid reflux, and liver or kidney problems may also have bad breath.

How Can Visiting the Dentist Help?

While a dentist can’t help with the larger medical causes of bad breath, they can help with the oral health issues that most people are suffering from. By visiting the dentist for a cleaning & exam, you can get an expert assessment of the health of your mouth. Any severely decayed or infected teeth can be removed or treated with root canal therapy to halt tooth decay and resulting odors. Plus, a thorough dental cleaning can remove the plaque that harbors bacteria on the teeth themselves. Finally, overpopulations of bacteria can be addressed with recommendations for antibacterial mouth rinses or other specialized oral care products and instructions for proper oral care at home.

What if My Bad Breath Doesn’t Improve?

If your bad breath doesn’t improve after seeing the dentist and improving your home care routine, you may need to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment of an underlying medical condition.

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