by Administrator | Jun 12, 2016 | Uncategorized
Learn what you should and shouldn’t do to support a successful implant procedure. Are you considering dental implants to replace your missing teeth? This option is far superior to bridges or dentures. It truly is a lasting, lifetime solution that you will love....
by Administrator | Jun 11, 2016 | Uncategorized
Learn why your teeth hurt and how your dentist can help. Do you suffer from sensitive teeth? This can make simple pleasures like a tall glass of ice water, a mug of steaming tea, or even a breath of cold air into a painful experience. What Makes Teeth Sensitive? The...
by Administrator | Jun 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
Learn how your oral health and your emotional health affect one another. As believers in holistic dentistry, we know that in order to provide the best possible care for your oral health, we need to consider your overall health as well. After all, the two are...
by Administrator | Jun 9, 2016 | Uncategorized
Learn why getting braces put on in summer can make for an easier adjustment to orthodontics Does your teenager need braces? Sometimes, kids may feel so self-conscious about their misaligned teeth that they are actually eager to get braces. But many teens think their...
by Administrator | Jun 8, 2016 | Uncategorized
Helpful information to help you decide whether metal braces or Invisalign braces are right for you. Are crooked, gapped, overlapping, or otherwise misaligned teeth detracting from your smile? You may already know you want to get orthodontic treatment, but have you...