Dental News

Archive for July, 2020

There Are More Treatments for Gum Disease Than You Might Realize

July 30, 2020

There Are More Treatments for Gum Disease Than You Might Realize

Most people who learn they have gum disease are immediately worried. There is a good reason for this because gum disease can quickly go from mild to severe. That said, the good news is this: there are many ways to treat it. Keep reading to learn about the various options and then contact if you are in need of a dental cleaning and exam.

The Two Main Options: Surgical and Non-Surgical

There are two main types of treatment for gum disease…

5 Potential Reasons You Are Dealing with a Throbbing Toothache – And What to Do About It

July 29, 2020

5 Potential Reasons You Are Dealing with a Throbbing Toothache – And What to Do About It

Does your tooth hurt? Are you dealing with a severe toothache that is making it difficult to sleep, talk, or eat? If so, you are likely wondering: Why does my tooth hurt? The answer is that it could be one of many different things. Read on to discover five of the most common reasons people suffer from throbbing toothaches. Then contact your local dentist to have us take a look.

  1. You Have Tooth Decay
  2. The most…

Five of the Most Common Reasons a Person Might Be Dealing with Sensitive Gums

July 27, 2020

Five of the Most Common Reasons a Person Might Be Dealing with Sensitive Gums

Are you living with sensitive gums? If so, you are likely wondering what the cause is. The truth is that it is not as easy as giving you a single cause. There are many potential reasons you could be dealing with sensitive gums. Keep reading to learn about five of those reasons and then contact if you would like to make an appointment with a local dentist.

  1. There is Something Amiss in Their Brushing and Flossing Technique
  2. This is…

Are You Dealing with Any of These Common Symptoms of a Cavity?

July 24, 2020

Are You Dealing with Any of These Common Symptoms of a Cavity?

Everyone knows they don’t want a cavity but not everyone knows exactly what a cavity is or what its symptoms are. A cavity occurs when decay damages a tooth. Read on to learn about some of the most common symptoms of a cavity. If you believe you might have one, contact to make a dental appointment.

A Toothache

If you have a toothache constantly, or a toothache that keeps coming back to the same area time and time again, it could be caused by a cavity. In…

Five Potential Causes for Bad Breath That Might Surprise You

July 22, 2020

Five Potential Causes for Bad Breath That Might Surprise You

No one wants to deal with bad breath but often people have it with no idea why they have it. They might assume that it is caused by nothing more than what they ate. While it is true that what you eat has a big effect on your breath, it is not the only thing that can cause bad breath. If you consistently have bad breath, call for a deep dental cleaning and to find out what the problem is. Otherwise, read on to learn…

Truth or Myth: Is It Painful to Get a Root Canal from a California Dentist?

July 20, 2020

Truth or Myth: Is It Painful to Get a Root Canal from a California Dentist?

If you believe everything you see on TV and in the movies, root canals are one of the most painful things a person can go through. In fact, when we tell patients that root canal therapy is recommended, they are often afraid. Is it true that this option hurts? And how does it really help? Keep reading to learn the answers to these and other questions.

Root Canals Generally Do Not Cause Pain

First and foremost, let us help give you…

Learn How Your Local Dentist Can Help You Get a Hollywood-Ready Smile

July 17, 2020

Learn How Your Local Dentist Can Help You Get a Hollywood-Ready Smile

Everyone dreams of the perfect white, Hollywood-ready smile but many people assume it is just that: a dream. The truth is that there are cosmetic dental procedures that really could improve your smile much more than you think. Keep reading to learn more and then contact to schedule an appointment.

Professional Whitening Can Have an Immediate, Dramatic Effect

Various substances can slowly stain your teeth over time. Cigarette smoke, coffee, and red wine can all stain your teeth, as can a lack of…

Discover the Five Main Causes of Gingivitis in California Adults

July 15, 2020

Discover the Five Main Causes of Gingivitis in California Adults

No one wants gum disease yet nearly 65 million adults over the age of 29 suffer from some form of it in the United States. That is according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The bad news is that this is an alarming number.

The good news is that if it is caught when it is still minor gum disease, known as gingivitis, it can be prevented from doing lasting damage. This is why we recommend you contact your dentist for a dental…

Ask a California Dentist: Can My Damaged Tooth Be Saved or Restored?

July 13, 2020

Ask a California Dentist: Can My Damaged Tooth Be Saved or Restored?

If you have sustained significant damage to your tooth, whether by trauma or long-term decay, you might wonder: what are my options to bounce back? You might wonder: can my tooth be saved? The answer to the second question depends on how significant the damage is. The first question depends on many factors but this is almost always true: We can find a way to improve your smile.

Options to Save Your Damaged Tooth

There might be a number of options available to save your damaged tooth depending on your…

Six Symptoms to Keep an Eye Out for if You Are Worried You Have Gum Disease

July 9, 2020

Six Symptoms to Keep an Eye Out for if You Are Worried You Have Gum Disease

Gum disease is more common than you might think. In fact, it’s estimated that half of all American adults have some form of gum disease. That means approximately 64.7 million Americans are dealing with the issue. If you fear you may be one of the unlucky ones, check out the six things to look out for to determine if you might be suffering from gum disease.

  1. Your Gums Are Red and Swollen
  2. In most people, one of the first signs of

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