Archive for May, 2021
This is What You Should Look for When Choosing a Toothbrush for You or Your Child
Do you know what to look for when you are choosing a toothbrush for your child? When you visit for family dentistry services, we will give your child a toothbrush that is right for them. However, there are a few things you should know when it comes to choosing a toothbrush for your own child.
Choose a Toothbrush Your Child Thinks is Cute
Is this the most important thing to think about when choosing a toothbrush? It might…
If It’s Been More Than One Year Since You Visited Your Dentist Then You Are Due for These Three Procedures
When is the last time you visited your dentist? If it has been more than one year, then there are a few dental procedures that could help you. Keep reading to learn about three of them, and then contact to make an appointment with your local dentist.
- It’s Time to Have Your Teeth Cleaned
Having your teeth professionally cleaned is not just important for your smile, it is important…
Consider These Three Ways That Good Oral Health Can Improve Your Overall Life
You know that good oral health is essential for the good of your teeth and gums, but did you know that it can actually help improve your overall life? Keep reading to learn three ways this is true. Then contact if you are ready to make an appointment for a dental cleaning and exam with your local dentist.
Healthy Teeth and Gums Can Mean Better Overall Physical Health
Did you know that some conditions within the body can manifest in the mouth and that poor oral hygiene can cause health issues in the rest of…
Follow These Tips to Prevent the Development of Gum Disease
Most people know that gum disease is all too common. They know that they should brush and floss daily to reduce their chances, but what else can be done? Keep reading to learn how you can lower your chances of developing gum disease, and then contact to set up a dental exam and gum disease treatment or prevention plan.
Oral Hygiene Can Prevent 90% of Gum Disease
It is true that brushing and flossing regularly and correctly can significantly reduce your chances of developing gum…
Seven Foods and Beverages That Could Be the Cause of Your Bad Breath
Whether you’ve been told you have bad breath or you are just starting to feel as though you do, you are likely wondering what the cause of your bad breath could be. While the most common cause is not brushing and flossing correctly or often enough, there are some foods and beverages that can cause issues too. Keep reading to learn what they are and contact if you would like to set up a dental…
The Truth About Diet Soda: Is it Really Bad for Your Teeth?
You may have heard that diet soda is not good for you for a number of reasons, including that it is bad for your teeth. Keep reading to find out if this is true. Remember that the worst things for your teeth are not brushing or flossing regularly and skipping dental exams and cleanings. Contact if it has been more than six months since your last dental exam.
Diet Soda Does Not Have Sugar, but That Does Not Mean It is Safe for…
These Dental Hacks Could Improve Your Oral Hygiene Significantly
Everyone wants the best possible oral health. You know you need to brush your teeth and floss daily, but do you know other steps you can take to keep your oral health in great shape? Keep reading to get the facts, and then contact if you are ready to make an appointment with a local dentist.
Chew Sugar-Free Gum After a Meal
If you are not able to brush your teeth right after a meal, grab a piece of sugar-free gum. The chewing actually helps produce saliva, and saliva’s purpose in your mouth…
What to Do if You Suddenly Lose a Tooth
Whether it’s a lost tooth that suddenly comes out when you bite into an apple or a tooth that comes out after a trauma, everyone should know what to do if they suddenly lose their tooth. If you know what to do, the tooth can almost always be fixed. Keep reading for the basics, and remember to contact as soon as possible if you do lose a tooth.
Find the Tooth
First of all, find the tooth. This might be simple if you lost it in an apple, but if you lost it…
The Disease That More Than Half of Americans Have: Do You Have It?
Can you guess what disease more than half of Americans have and few people worry about? If you guessed gum disease, then you are right. Keep reading to learn why it so common, what it means, and what to do if you think you have gum disease. Then contact for a dental cleaning and exam.
Yes, More Than Half of American Have It
The first thing to know is that the real danger for gum disease starts…
Are You Unhappy with Your Smile? Learn Three Ways You Can Improve It with Cosmetic Dentistry
If you are not thrilled with the smile you have, we have good news for you: you do not have to simply accept your smile. There are options available to you. Keep reading to learn three ways you can improve your smile with cosmetic dentistry, and then contact to make an appointment.
- Replace Your Missing Teeth
For many people, living with a missing tooth or teeth can be embarrassing. It can take away a person’s…