Dental News

Risks & Rewards of Dental Implants

January 26, 2014

For most patients, the risks attending dental implant surgery are dwarfed by the benefits

Dental implantsIf you have lost one or more teeth due to age, accident, tooth decay, or gum disease, you have several different options for replacing them. Dental implants have been used as a highly successful method of permanently replacing missing teeth for over 50 years, and there is a significant body of clinical research to back up the many significant benefits of dental implants. Of course, each person’s situation is unique. If you are considering dental implants, be sure to discuss it thoroughly with your dentist to make sure this treatment is right for you. The following risks and rewards of dental implants will help you as you make your decision.


Placing dental implants is a surgical procedure, and, as with any type of surgery, there are certain risks. For example, you may develop an infection at the implant site. This is probably the most common complication associated with the surgery and it is very treatable. Individuals who smoke may be more prone to infections. Other risks include injury or damage to surrounding structures, such as neighboring teeth, blood vessels, or gums. You can mitigate your risk of these kinds of injuries by choosing an expert oral surgeon for your dental implant procedure. Some patients may be at risk for nerve damage if the missing tooth’s root pocket was close to a nerve, which may result in pain, numbness, or tingling in the gums, lips, or face. Sinus problems may also be a risk when replacing upper molars in certain patients. Detailed x-rays can help your dentist determine if your physiology puts you at heightened risk for nerve damage or sinus problems.


The rewards of dental implants are numerous, and for most patients they far outweigh the risks attending surgery. First of all dental implants create a strong replacement tooth that delivers all the functionality of a natural tooth. The dental implant will look just like your natural teeth, allow you to speak, eat, and chew normally, and effectively prevent other teeth from shifting into the gap left by a missing tooth. Plus, a dental implant will arrest bone loss in your jaw. Bone loss is a serious concern for anyone who has lost a tooth, because without living tooth root structures interacting with the bone, the bone can become brittle. The bone may also begin to recede and cause a sunken appearance. When a dental implant is placed, however, the surrounding bone will actually bond with the titanium peg rather than continuing to degenerate. Many dental implants placed over 20 years ago are still providing strong, effective tooth replacements, making dental implants a very attractive and long-lasting solution for missing teeth.

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