Dental News

Archive for November, 2019

What is bone loss

November 6, 2019

Bone loss occurs when the alveolar bone surrounding the tooth starts to degenerate.

What is bone loss

The alveolar bone forms the ridges where the teeth sits. When a tooth is missing, these ridges start to degenerate vertically and horizontally.

Common reasons for bone loss

Tooth extraction or tooth loss

If an adult tooth is removed or become decayed, it can damage the jawbone that supports the tooth. Our natural teeth are attached to the jawbone. If any teeth are missing, the alveolar bone that anchors the teeth is no longer stimulated by the pressure of chewing and biting. The lack of stimulation will naturally result in bone deterioration since the bone…

Why does my dentist recommend me to rinse my mouth with saltwater?

November 4, 2019

Why does my dentist recommend me to rinse my mouth with saltwater?

Brushing twice a day and flossing at least once is good oral hygiene practice for a healthy mouth. An added bonus to this routine is to add saltwater mouth rinse to your usual routine. Saltwater rinse is an effective at-home oral health rinse to help keep your teeth, gums, and tongue healthy. Using simple salt water rinse is a simple way to boost your oral health that does not involve extra cost. Often after some dental procedure, a dentist will recommend a saltwater rinse…

Why you should prepare for your child’s first tooth fairy visit.

November 1, 2019

Why you should prepare for your child’s first tooth fairy visit.

Most children start to lose their first baby tooth around the age of 6 as they start transitioning into their permanent teeth. Your child is at the age where they finally understand what the tooth fairy does. As magical as the tooth fairy may sound, the tooth fairy can play a significant part to help your child maintain a healthy oral hygiene. The tooth fairy has worked to promote healthy oral hygiene and help reduce your child’s anxiety when they lose their teeth….

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