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Why you should prepare for your child’s first tooth fairy visit.

November 1, 2019

Why you should prepare for your child’s first tooth fairy visit.

Most children start to lose their first baby tooth around the age of 6 as they start transitioning into their permanent teeth. Your child is at the age where they finally understand what the tooth fairy does. As magical as the tooth fairy may sound, the tooth fairy can play a significant part to help your child maintain a healthy oral hygiene. The tooth fairy has worked to promote healthy oral hygiene and help reduce your child’s anxiety when they lose their teeth. Here are some simple tips for you and your child to learn more about the tooth fairy to create some fun before the tooth fairy’s visit.

How a tooth fairy helps your child prepare to reduce anxiety and stress.

It is natural for your child to lose their baby teeth as they grow. Helping them understand this process can reduce your child’s anxiety and stress. Losing a tooth can be painful and scary experience for children. Getting assistance from the tooth fairy can potentially help make your child’s first tooth loss feel natural. To help prepare your child for their first tooth loss, you can read children’s books about the tooth fairy to learn more about what the tooth fairy does. If they learn about the tooth fairy, they can look forward to and get excited about a tooth falling out. Preparing them for this big milestone eases their anxiety and stress. Encourage your child to wiggle a loose tooth so that it falls out on its own can be a positive experience when the tooth fairy visits. Whether you reward your child with money or other type of reward, preparing your child can make this scary process not so scary the next time your child loose a tooth.

As you prepare for your child’s first tooth fairy visit, you should also help prepare yourself too!

As you prepare your child’s first visit with the tooth fairy, you should also prepare yourself to handle this stressful event. Losing a baby tooth is a natural part of growing up. When your child’s tooth naturally falls out, your child will feel a tingly sensation in the tooth. The tooth will wobble easily if you gently press on the tooth. You should encourage your child to push their loose tooth with their tongue or fingers to promote the tooth to loosen. Your child will not usually feel pain when they start to lose a tooth. Removing a loose tooth prematurely can cause pain and discomfort, the tooth will naturally fall out. The gums around the loose tooth can become swollen. Even though losing a tooth is not painful, there might be a little blood on the gum and tooth once it comes lose. After you child’s tooth falls out, the area will be sore for a few days. Until the sore heals, don’t give your child harsh mouth wash or foods that can irritate the wound. Your child should continue good oral hygiene practices such as brushing twice a day and flossing. A clean mouth can help promote faster healing of the wound.

If you have questions about your child’s loose tooth or experience complications, please give California Dental Group a call at (800) 407-0161 to schedule your child’s next appointment.

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