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You Do Not Have to Simply Accept TMJ or TMD Pain – Learn How It Can Be TreatedYou Do Not Have to Simply Accept TMJ or TMD Pain – Learn How It Can Be Treated

December 16, 2022

You Do Not Have to Simply Accept TMJ or TMD Pain – Learn How It Can Be TreatedYou Do Not Have to Simply Accept TMJ or TMD Pain – Learn How It Can Be Treated

Do you experience jaw pain, headaches, or earaches? TMD, or temporomandibular joint disorder, affects a large number of people, and you can be one of them. This ailment may be extremely uncomfortable, which may affect your daily activities and general quality of life. Fortunately, there are numerous approaches to treating TMD.

Read on to learn more about those treatment options and then contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 if you need to visit your local dentist.


The temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, is the swiveling hinge that connects your jaw to your skull. You can speak, chew food, and carry out the majority of mouth motions because to this joint. This joint’s bones are joined together by muscles and a tendon known as the temporal tendon, much like any other joint.


TMD is the name for a TMJ disorder. Disorders of this joint often involve arthritis and are characterized by restricted or painful joint movement. The majority of symptoms involve discomfort in the mouth, face, or ear, and may also include difficulties chewing. Disorders can be short-lived or long-lasting.

TMD does not have a single origin; instead, it may be inherited, the result of a habit like teeth grinding, an illness, or an injury. Knowing the underlying causes of these conditions might help your dentist determine the best effective therapy.

Care for TMD

Based on diagnostic imaging and a comprehensive dental examination, your dentist will assist in developing a treatment plan for your TMD. Treatment for TMD frequently involves medication, treatment, or in extreme circumstances, surgery.

Medication Anti-inflammatory drugs are frequently used in TMD medications to assist minimize swelling and inflammation. Muscle relaxants may aid in easing the signs of a sore and aching jaw.

In more severe situations, steroid injections may also be used to strengthen the ailing TMJ muscles and tendons, and in recent years, Botox injections have shown to be quite successful in reducing TMD pain and reducing jaw strain.


Physical therapy and exercise can help stretch and strengthen the jaw muscles as part of TMD treatment. Therapeutic tools like mouth guards and oral splints can assist stop the grinding and clenching that can irritate the joint. Counseling may also assist in addressing the underlying cause of TMD if these problems are behaviorally based, such as in situations involving trauma or addiction.

Surgery options

Surgery may be required for TMD treatments in more severe situations. TMD surgery includes the following procedures:

  • Arthrocentesis is a procedure that uses tiny needles to withdraw fluid or debris from a joint
  • Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that can help heal damaged joints by making a tiny incision
  • Condylotomy, a procedure that operates on the mandible rather than the joint

Minimally invasive procedures may be sufficient to treat TMD depending on the circumstances. Rare circumstances, nevertheless, might necessitate open joint surgery.

If you are experiencing jaw pain, you do not have to simply accept it. Contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to schedule a dental appointment right away.

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