Dental News

The Truth about Flossing: Does it Really Matter as Much as You Think?

August 25, 2017

The Truth about Flossing: Does it Really Matter as Much as You Think?

If you’re not a regular flosser and you come visit California Dental Group, it’s likely that we’ll notice and that we’ll suggest you add it to your daily oral health routine. If you’re like many people you’ll agree to do so but will forget after a few days and go back to flossing irregularly.

We’ve found that many people believe that flossing isn’t as big of a deal as we make it out to be, or that it’s not really necessary. The truth is that everyone is in agreement: Dentists, the American Dental Association, and even physicians. Flossing can make a big difference – for numerous reasons.

  1. Flossing can prevent you from getting a cavity
  2. One of the biggest benefits of brushing your teeth is that get rid of bacteria and debris that could cause cavities if not brushed away. The unfortunate news is that your toothbrush can’t get between your teeth – that’s the job of floss. Flossing can help get all the surfaces of your teeth clean and can help you skip the need for filings in the future.

  3. Flossing regularly reduces your chances of gum disease
  4. Have you ever wondered how we can so easily tell if you’ve been flossing regularly? Of the ways is by paying attention to how your gums respond to what we do in the office. If you’re a regular flosser then your gums shouldn’t bleed at all, or should only bleed a little. If your gums do bleed a lot when we’re flossing you, then it means that you aren’t flossing regularly. It can also mean you have gum disease.

    If you do have gum disease then it’s generally assumed that you’re not flossing as much as you should. That’s how effective flossing is against gum disease – if you’re flossing regularly you’re almost never going to have it. Gum disease is caused by debris, bacteria, and plaque running rampant in your mouth. Brushing and flossing gets rid of these risks.

  5. Flossing helps freshen your breath
  6. Do you want to have bad breath? No one would say “Yes!” to that, yet many people do have bad breath. You can pop breath mints and chew gum all day long, but one of the most effective ways to treat and prevent bad breath is to brush and floss regularly.

Flossing in particular helps balance the bacteria in your mouth. It gets rid of it from the surfaces of your teeth. It also gets rid of food particles. If not removed, those food particles will eventually break down and cause a bad smell. The truth is not something you likely want to hear about this – but the food will essentially rot in your mouth if you’re not flossing it out.

No one wants cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. The easiest way you can prevent any and all of these things from affecting your life is to reach out to California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 and make an appointment to have a dental exam and cleaning. We can help you learn the right way to brush and floss. Call us today!

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