Dental News

Tired of Dealing with Sensitive Teeth? Here Are Some Solutions

January 25, 2019

Tired of Dealing with Sensitive Teeth? Here Are Some Solutions

No one wants to deal with sensitive teeth yet many Americans assume they have no other option. They assume that if it hurts when they take a drip of hot apple cider, of it hurts to drink ice cold water, that they must simply live with it. The truth is that, depending on the cause of your teeth sensitivity, there may be simple solutions that can make a huge difference.

While the following are a few ideas to help you understand what you may be able to do, we strongly urge you to talk to your California dentist to ensure there is not a more serious underlying cause. You can contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 now for help.

Improve your brushing technique

There are many reasons that it can pay off to properly brush your teeth. However, brushing too much can actually cause more damage to your enamel. Under that enamel you have dentin, and if the enamel is worn down to allow the dentin to feel the light of day, it can react to hot and cold substances.

Does this mean you should stop brushing your teeth? Of course not! It means you should use a soft-bristled toothbrush or an electric toothbrush. Choose a toothpaste made specifically for sensitive teeth. In the meantime, while you are fixing the issues that are causing sensitive teeth, we suggest avoiding acidic and sugary foods and drinks. We also suggest skipping home teeth whitening products, though we may still be able to administer our professional teeth whitening services without issue.

Work to prevent gum disease

There are many reasons to want to avoid gum disease, including the fact that as it gets worse, the gums actually pull away from the teeth – which exposes the root of the tooth and can make said tooth sensitive to heat and cold. Getting your teeth checked and professionally cleaned is the most important step in prevent gum disease. If we do find evidence of it, we can treat it much more easily if we catch it early.

Have any injuries treated right away

If you have any type of injury to your tooth then we highly recommend having it treated right away. This includes a broken tooth, a cavity, and any other visible injury you can see or feel. The bottom line is that if you notice that your tooth has been chipped or otherwise injured, then there could be much more serious issues happening where you can’t see it.

Are you ready to make an appointment with a caring, compassionate dentist who can help you find the cause of and cure the sensitivity you are experiencing? Then contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 now. We are here to help you find the best way to keep your teeth healthy and happy for many years to come.

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