Dental News

The Anatomy Inside Your Mouth

April 8, 2019

The Anatomy Inside Your Mouth

The Anatomy Inside Your Mouth

While most people give little thought about their mouth, the mouth is a complex structure with many working parts to help you speak and eat. The mouth is more than just teeth and gums. The teeth are the most notable parts of your mouth, while the gums anchor the teeth to the jaw. The tongue is a complex muscle structure helping you chew, swallow, taste, and verbalize. Salivary glands on the floor of your mouth produce saliva to help chew and digest foods. Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential to keep every part of your mouth healthy for a gorgeous smile. Here we will focus on each part of the anatomy inside your mouth.


Teeth are the most visible parts inside your mouth. Each tooth is made up of different layers. The visible outer layer of the tooth is the crown. The crown is covered in enamel, a hard substance that protects the inner tooth structures. On the inner layer of the tooth is the dentin, dentin protects the sensitive structure called the pulp. The pulp is the soft center of the tooth that contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues.


Healthy gums should feel firm and appear pink in color. The gum forms a seal around your teeth to protect the underlying bones and is a barrier against infection. Good oral hygiene keeps the gum clean and healthy preventing bacteria build up between the gum and teeth. Bad oral hygiene can increase bacterial buildup between the gums and teeth leading to gum inflammation and eventually causing gingivitis. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to a condition called periodontist which eventually breaks down your teeth.

The floor of your mouth

The floor inside your mouth is composed of four parts called the lingual frenum, sublingual caruncles, and the sublingual folds. The lingual frenum partitions the two sides of the floor of the mouth. Two sublingual caruncles are found on each side. They contain salivary duct where saliva is produced. The sublingual folds run to the base of your tongue and contains more salivary glands.

The tongue

The tongue is attached to the floor of your mouth to a piece of tissue called the frenum. The tongue allows you to talk, eat, and taste foods. On the surface of your tongue is covered with tiny bumps called papillae. Papillae allow you to taste foods. Taste buds can distinguish between salty, sweet, bitter, and sour flavors. It is important to brush your tongue as well as your teeth to reduce smelly breath.

If you have any questions on your teeth or any other part of your mouth anatomy, contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to schedule a visit with your dentist.

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