Dental News

Simple Dos and Don’ts of Tooth Brushing: Are You Doing it Right?

September 1, 2016

Simple Dos and Don’ts of Tooth Brushing: Are You Doing it Right?

Are you 100% positive that you brush your teeth correctly? Do you have completely certain that you’re not making any common tooth brushing mistakes? California Dental Group is here with a simple run down of things you should be doing – and things you shouldn’t – when it comes to brushing your teeth.

Brushing dos you should be following

The most important thing is to use the right technique. Start by tilting your brush at a 45-degree angle right up against your gums. Then brush in small circles. We recommend this method because it’s the gentlest option and will effectively remove plaque.

Next, consider how long you’re brushing. If it’s less than two minutes then you need to up your game. Use a stopwatch, listen to a song that’s two minutes long, or count the seconds. You also want to ensure you’re brushing as often as you should. At a minimum, California Dental Group recommends brushing in the morning and at night. Brushing after dinner can also help prevent midnight snacking.

Finally, are you replacing your brush frequently enough? Many patients change their brush every time they have a dental cleaning, which is likely every six months. However, the American Dental Association recommends a new toothbrush every three months. Why? Because your bristles wear down over time and are therefore less effective at removing bacteria. It’s also smart to grab a new toothbrush after an illness to avoid reinfection.

Brushing don’ts you want to avoid

You don’t want to put yourself at risk for receding gums yet many patients unknowingly do so. To avoid this issue, make sure your toothbrush is soft-bristled and avoid brushing too hard. If you brush with too much force or a hard-bristled brush, your gums may begin to recede. This can lead to your roots being exposed which results in tooth sensitivity.

Next, you don’t want to brush right after you eat. Instead, wait at least a half an hour. Why? Because after eating, there’s an acid on your teeth that will temporarily make your enamel weaker. If you brush too soon – especially after eating acidic foods – you could end up damaging your enamel. The best option right after eating is to rinse your mouth out with plan wait or chew on some sugarless gum to increase your own saliva production.

You also don’t want to ignore the rest of your mouth – like your tongue. You may be surprised to know that 90% of bad breath is caused by a dirty tongue. Get a tongue scraper for thorough cleanings or just use your tooth brush to brush your tongue every time you take care of your teeth.

Finally, you don’t want to put off visiting your dentist. It doesn’t matter how well your brush or floss, visiting your dentist twice a year will help keep your smile happy and healthy. The best way to avoid expensive and painful dental issues in the future is to invest in preventative maintenance today.

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