Dental News

Maximize Your Oral Health by Avoiding These Damaging Foods

November 20, 2020

Maximize Your Oral Health by Avoiding These Damaging Foods

While there is a lot of conversation about what people can do to keep their oral health in good shape, there is often less discussion about what shouldn’t be done. Today we will discuss ways to improve your oral health by avoiding certain foods. Remember that one of the best things you can do for your oral health is to visit your dentist twice per year. To make that appointment, contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 right away.

Sugary Candies

Sugar is one of the biggest issues that lead to poor oral health. Why? Because sugar is like a superfood for the bacteria in your mouth. When they eat up the sugar, it turns into plaque and acid. While all sugary foods are an issue, the worst are sugary foods that stick around for a long time. If you are eating lollipops or other sugary foods that you suck on or leave in your mouth for a long time, then you are potentially damaging your teeth. Reduce the risk by brushing your teeth after you eat.

Acidic Fruits

Fruits are delicious, but some of them can actually cause damage to the teeth. As the saying goes, feel free to enjoy a daily apple, but remember that fruits do have acids that can break down the enamel of your teeth. The best way to avoid this is to eat fruits quickly and to brush your teeth soon after.


If you eat a lot of refined carbohydrates, such as pasta, bread, and crackers, they might be an excellent source of energy for you, but they are also a great fuel source for bacteria. When carbohydrates are broken down, they turn into sugar. That sugar is then eaten by bacteria, which produces acid, breaks down your enamel, and can lead to gingivitis.

Carbonated Soft Drinks

There might not be anything wrong with enjoying a cold, sparkling soft drink once in a while, but there are a few reasons not to do so on a regular basis. First, they are very high in sugar, which can affect your teeth as described above. Second, phosphorous and carbonation are both known to destroy tooth enamel over time. If you are going to drink a soft drink or other sweetened drink like lemonade, make sure you brush your teeth afterward. On a daily basis, it is best to stick to water.

The Best Way to Maximize Your Oral Health is to See Your Dentist

While there are many foods you can avoid to ensure your oral health is as good as possible, you should also be visiting your dentist twice per year. This allows us to thoroughly clean and examine your teeth. If there are any issues, we can catch them early before they become issues. Call California Dental Group now at (800) 407-0161 if it has been more than six months since your last dental cleaning and exam.

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