Dental News

Make a Dental Visit Part of Your Stroke Awareness Month Activities

May 18, 2015

Your oral health can affect your overall health, including your risk of stroke.

Did you know that:stroke awareness

  • Someone has a stroke every 40 seconds in the US
  • 1 out of 6 people will have a stroke in their lifetime
  • Stroke is the #1 cause of disability in the US
  • Stroke is the #5 cause of death in the US

It doesn’t have to be this way! Stroke is highly preventable and treatable. What’s missing is public awareness of the risk factors for a stroke and the warning signs that a stroke has occurred and an individual needs immediate medical attention.

In light of this situation, the American Stroke Association puts on a major public awareness campaign each May. Unfortunately, while this organization does present an abundance of facts about stroke prevention and treatment, they leave out one very simple activity that could help reduce the risk of a stroke.

What is this simple activity? Visiting your dentist for prevention and treatment of gum disease.

The Link Between Gum Disease and Stroke

While research into the exact nature of the relationship between gum disease and stroke (as well as many other health risks including heart disease and Alzheimer’s) is still ongoing, we do know that a relationship exists. Many studies have confirmed a direct relationship between oral health and overall health. Some research also indicates that patients who leave their gum disease untreated have a higher risk of stroke than those who keep their gums healthy.

With gum disease, the main issue is that bacteria present in the infected gum tissues can enter the bloodstream and travel to other areas of the body. The resulting inflammation in these areas can contribute to conditions that set the stage for a stroke.

How Your Dentist Can Help

There are 3 main ways that a dentist can help control inflammation in the gums to protect not only your oral health but your overall health:

  1. Preventative Care. By providing routine dental exams and cleanings, your dentist can help keep gum tissues healthy so that any minor gum disease infections that may crop up do not progress to full-blown periodontitis (the severe form of gum disease).
  2. Root Scaling & Planing. For patients that already have serious gum disease infections, we can provide special deep cleaning proceedings known as root scaling & planing. These treatments go deep beneath the gum line to remove populations of bacteria from the gum pockets around teeth.
  3. Home Care Products. Patients who suffer from recurring gum disease due to risk factors such as smoking or diabetes can receive recommendations for special anti-bacterial rinses and other home care products that can help them fight off infections better.

If you would like to learn more about how your oral health affects your overall health, or if you require help with gum disease right now, please contact California Dental Group and make an appointment at one of our convenient clinic locations.

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