Dental News

Learn Simple Tips Seniors Can Follow to Take Better Care of Their Teeth and Gums as They Age

February 2, 2022

Learn Simple Tips Seniors Can Follow to Take Better Care of Their Teeth and Gums as They Age

Teeth, like every other component of the body, are subject to aging. Your teeth may become fragile as you age, and your gums may become more sensitive. You could even lose a few teeth. Because untreated tooth loss can make it difficult to consume a balanced diet, communicate effectively, and connect with others without shame, you’ll want to maintain your natural teeth for as long as feasible. Here are five crucial strategies to help you keep your teeth healthy as you get older.

Keep a close eye on home care

Cavities and gum disease can be avoided with proper dental hygiene at home. Home care becomes increasingly crucial as your teeth and gums grow more susceptible as you get older. Dexterity difficulties might arise as a result of arthritis or stroke, making brushing and flossing difficult. If this is the case, consider purchasing a toothbrush with a big, easy-to-grip handle and flossing with flossers rather than dental floss. Don’t lose faith in yourself!

Two professional cleanings each year are recommended

Most folks only need to clean their teeth once a year. However, as you get older, you may want to increase the frequency of your dental checkups, especially if you’re having difficulties brushing or flossing your teeth at home, or if you’re experiencing recurrent gum discomfort or bleeding. We may provide special deep cleaning sessions at California Dental Group to help remove plaque from behind the gums and manage gum disease.

You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Dry Mouth

It’s crucial to have a good saliva flow to maintain your teeth healthy. Saliva helps prevent cavities and gum disease by delivering calcium to teeth and washing away plaque bacteria and the food debris they feed on. Unfortunately, some seniors are unable to produce healthy saliva as a result of drugs, sickness, or the side effects of chemo or radiation. Tell your dentist and doctor if you have dry mouth on a regular basis. They may be helpful to alleviate dry mouth, allowing you to swallow more easily and preserve your teeth.

Treat Dental Pain As Soon As Possible

This is a wonderful guideline to follow at any age: call your dentist as soon as you suffer oral discomfort to schedule an appointment. You can assist avoid future discomfort and damage to the tooth, gums, and jaw by swiftly detecting and addressing the problem. For example, if you receive a root canal as soon as possible, you might be able to keep serious decay from progressing until the tooth is lost.

Take Good Care of Your Restorations

Dental restorations such as bridges, crowns, and dentures aren’t meant to last a lifetime. Every few years, they’ll need to be updated to guarantee a good fit that gives you a comfortable bite and a natural appearance. Don’t forget to have your restorations maintained on a regular basis so that you may continue to have functional teeth and a beautiful smile as you get older.

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