Dental News

Learn About Common Health Conditions Many People Don’t Realize Can Affect Their Teeth and Gums

June 8, 2022

Learn About Common Health Conditions Many People Don’t Realize Can Affect Their Teeth and GumsDo you think of going to the dentist as an afterthought or an “extra” that isn’t necessary for your overall health? Reconsider your position. Your dental health is inextricably related to the rest of your body. Teeth and gum disorders might raise your likelihood of developing certain health problems, and vice versa.

You can protect your dental health and overall health by seeing a California dentist on a regular basis. If you have any of these seven health concerns that might impact your teeth and gums, regular dental care is vital. You can contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to make an appointment for a dental cleaning and exam right away.

High blood pressure

If you have high blood pressure, you are more likely to develop gum disease, and you may experience bleeding gums. Furthermore, if you are using blood pressure medication, you may be at an increased risk of tooth decay, as many blood pressure medications produce dry mouth.

Heart disease

People who have heart disease are more likely to get gum disease. Gum disease has also been related to an increased risk of heart disease, according to some data.


If you have diabetes, you’re more likely to develop periodontitis, a severe form of gum disease. When your blood sugar is poorly controlled, the risk is greatest. Periodontitis causes gums to become inflamed to the point where they begin to peel away from teeth, loosening teeth and perhaps leading to tooth loss.

Kidney disease

Long-term renal disease can lead to poor bone health, heart disease, and high blood pressure, all of which raise your chances of developing serious gum disease and tooth loss.


Periodontitis has been connected to being severely overweight. Inflammation is thought to be the issue, as fat cells create proteins that cause inflammation, and gum disease is also linked to inflammation.


As people age, their bone density decreases, resulting in osteoporosis. This disorder can wreak havoc on your jawbone, resulting in loose teeth or even tooth loss.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Multiple studies have found that having rheumatoid arthritis increases your chances of developing gum disease. Gum disease and missing teeth have also been connected to the progression of RA.

Talk to your dentist for more help

Do not hesitate to contact California Dental Group if you are suffering from gum disease, tooth loss, or any other type of oral pain. Our skilled dentists can provide expert gum disease treatment as well as solutions for rotting or missing teeth. To schedule an appointment, please call the clinic of your choosing right away by reaching out to (800) 407-0161.

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