Dental News

Do You Know How to Protect Your Teeth and Gums During Cold and Flu Season?

February 7, 2017

Do You Know How to Protect Your Teeth and Gums During Cold and Flu Season? It’s here again: Cold and flu season. The time of year where it seems like everyone is coughing, sniffling, and feeling under the weather. It’s true that for most people experiencing a cold or flu, dental care is not at the top of their list of concerns. That said, it’s important to understand how a cold or flu can have a negative impact on your mouth. Here are a few tips from California Dental Group to help you stay healthy this season.

  1. Don’t forget to brush and floss

  2. This is a simple one but we can’t stress it enough: Don’t let your normal home care routine fall by the wayside. Brush your teeth several times a day and floss at least once. This is even more important if you vomit because you are not only dealing with an unpleasant taste in your mouth, but stomach acid that can eat away at your enamel.

  3. Get a new toothbrush

  4. Use your toothbrush through your sickness, but once it passes you should replace it with a new one. Your old toothbrush can easily harbor bacteria, which could possible re-infect you and could infect other toothbrushes stored near yours.

  5. Stay hydrated

  6. Any doctor you talk to about colds or the flu is likely to strongly encourage you to drink plenty of liquids, but there’s a good reason for this. When you’re sick, your body needs plenty of fluid in order to fight infections in your body. Many people experience dry mouth when sick, especially when they have a stuffy nose and can’t breathe through it easily. Saliva is an important part in keeping the bacteria in your mouth out of play, which is why chronic dry mouth can increase the chances you have gum disease or cavities.

  7. Cut down on bacteria by gargling with salt water

  8. Have you ever wondered why you often see people recommend that you gargle with salt water when you’re not feeling well? There are actually several reasons, but one of them is that it can reduce the bacteria in your throat and your mouth. As a result, your bad breath and plaque are likely to be reduced. Just use a tablespoon of salt in a glass full of slightly warm water. Then gargle, spit, and you’re done.

  9. Avoid medications with sugar in it

  10. You’ll find lots of cough drops and cough syrups with tons of sugar. While it can make them taste better, keep in mind that too much can increase tooth decay and can hurt your gums. You may want to choose medications that have sugar substitutes, or, if you must use medications with sugar, brush your teeth after you use them. In the event you’re using medication that’s also acidic, wait thirty minutes before brushing so that your enamel has time to re-harden.

If you have other questions about taking care of your teeth and gums, or if you’re ready to make an appointment with a family dentist, you can contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161.

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