Dental News

Is Stress Ruining Your Smile? Learn How It Can Affect Your Teeth

December 3, 2018

Is Stress Ruining Your Smile? Learn How It Can Affect Your Teeth

It is not surprise to most people that stress can have a negative impact on overall health. A person who is stressed on a regular basis is more likely to suffer from an anxiety disorder, to have trouble sleeping, and to have high blood pressure. A person who is highly stressed also has an increased chance of stroke, heart disease, and heart attack.

What many people don’t realize is that living with high stress can also impact oral health. Read on to learn more about the potential effects stress can have on oral health. If you are due for a visit with your dentist, contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to make an appointment.

Teeth grinding is often a reaction to stress

According to the most recent study by the National Sleep Foundation, about 8% of adults have bruxism, which is a condition in which they grind their teeth at night. While that number is already high, there is evidence that it is rising.

In fact, Head & Face Medicine did a study and found that bruxism is most common among people who feel they have a high level of daily stress and many problems at work. This means that if a person comes home from work already stressed, they are likely to end up becoming more stressed as their bodies – and their teeth – find ways to deal with said stress.

The bad news is that too many people believe that teeth grinding is only a minor issue. It may be better than other options, such as becoming overwhelmed and frustrated with co-workers, but it can have a significantly negative impact on your teeth. The long-term result can be broken, cracked, or chipped teeth. In fact, many people do not even realize they are grinding their teeth at night until they end up breaking a tooth. It is not uncommon for a person who grinds their teeth to end up with several dental crowns and other dental procedures.

Your dentist can help by providing a night guard

If you are grinding your teeth at night then the best thing you can do to reduce the impact of the problem is to reduce your stress. As you work on that, you can also talk to your dental professional about other ways to stop grinding. If you continue to grind, you can get a custom-made mouthguard that at least protects your teeth from the effects of grinding.

We recommend that you contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 now to begin the process. We are here to help you keep your teeth in their best shape for years to come. Call today for an appointment.

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