Dental News

How is Your Brushing Technique? Learn the Dos and Don’ts You Should Be Following or Avoiding

January 29, 2023

How is Your Brushing Technique? Learn the Dos and Don’ts You Should Be Following or Avoiding Are you certain that you brush your teeth properly? Are you positive that you’re not doing any typical mistakes when brushing your teeth? California Dental Group is here to give you a quick rundown of what you should and shouldn’t be doing when it comes to brushing your teeth. Call us at (800) 407-0161 if you would like to schedule a dental exam and cleaning.

Brushing guidelines you should adhere to

The application of the appropriate approach is crucial. To begin, place your brush against your gums at a 45-degree angle. Next, make little circular motions with the brush. This approach is the gentlest and will eliminate plaque, thus we advise using it.

After that, think about how long you’re brushing. You need to step up your game if there are less than two minutes. Use a timer, take a two-minute song to heart, or count down the seconds. You should also make sure you brush your teeth as often as necessary. California Dental Group advises brushing at the very least twice daily: in the morning and at night. After supper, brushing your teeth can also help stop late-night munching.

And finally, do you change your brush often enough? When they get a dental cleaning, which most patients do every six months, many patients switch out their toothbrush. The American Dental Association advises switching out your toothbrush every three months, though. Why? because as time passes, your bristles become less effective at eliminating microorganisms. After a sickness, it’s a good idea to switch out your toothbrush to prevent reinfection.

What not to do when brushing

You don’t want to unintentionally put yourself at risk for receding gums, yet many individuals do. Make sure your toothbrush has soft bristles and don’t brush too vigorously to avoid this problem. Your gums may start to recede if you brush too hard or with a vigorous motion. Your roots may become exposed as a result, which causes discomfort in your teeth.

After eating, you shouldn’t brush your teeth. Wait for at least 30 minutes instead. Why? Because the acid left on your teeth after eating will temporarily weaken your enamel. Too soon after consuming acidic foods, especially, brushing could lead to enamel damage. The best course of action immediately following a meal is to rinse your mouth out with water or chew on some sugarless gum to stimulate salivation.

Additionally, you shouldn’t neglect the other parts of your mouth, such as your tongue. You might be surprised to learn that an unclean tongue is the root of 90% of bad breath. For comprehensive cleanings, invest in a tongue scraper, or simply brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth.

Finally, you shouldn’t put off going to the dentist. No matter how diligently you floss and brush, going to the dentist twice a year will help keep your smile bright and healthy. Investing in preventative care now is the greatest approach to avert future dental problems that will cost a lot of money and hurt.

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