Dental News

Holiday season dental tips to keep you smiling.

November 25, 2019

Holiday season dental tips to keep you smiling.

It’s that time of the year again for holiday festivities one after another. During these months of festivities, this means plenty of delicious foods and treats. Watching your waist line during the holiday season is important but keeping teeth healthy is equally important. Keeping your teeth healthy during the holiday season keeps the cavities away, so you can enjoy your time with family and friends. You don’t have to completely give up your favorite goodies, if you keep these simple dental tips in mind.

Avoid hard candy and cracking nuts with your teeth.

Holiday hard candies such as candy canes, peppermints, nut brittles are a favorite at the office, friend’s house, or gifts you might receive are during the holiday. Instead of chewing on these hard-sweet candies, let it dissolve naturally to avoid cracking a tooth. A cracked tooth can be very painful that may require making an emergency dental visit. When you are enjoying these sweets, remember to brush your teeth after you’ve eaten these treats to help reduce the risk of tooth decay. In addition to sweet candy, shelled nuts are popular snacks during the holiday season. Eating nuts are a much healthier alternative to candy. The hard surface of nutshells can cause serious tooth and gum damage. To avoid cracking your teeth, use a nut cracker instead of your teeth. To be safe, opt for shelled nuts instead.

Avoid chewy treats.

Another sweet treats popular during the holidays are chewy and sticky sweets such as taffy or caramel. These sticky treats can stick to tooth enamel or in between your tooth to encourage tooth decay. In the worst case, these sticky treats can yank out a tooth filling. Instead if you crave sticky and chew candy, consider chewing non-sweet gum. Chewing gum after eating meals or candy can help promote boost saliva production to help flush out food residue.

Eat plenty of vegetables and fresh fruits.

Enjoying fresh fruits and vegetables such as oranges, apples, carrots, and pears are great alternatives to sweet candies. Fruits and vegetables provide a good source of nutrition and antioxidant to protect teeth and gums. Although dried fruits are healthy foods, you should enjoy them sparingly because they can stick to your teeth. If you enjoy dried fruits, rinse your mouth to get rid of sticky residue and drink water to wash away the sugar.

Brush twice a day and floss.

Enjoying our time with family and friends is very special, and the holiday can be a busy time. You should not forget to brush and floss at least twice a day or after every meal. If you are traveling during the holiday, consider bring disposable toothbrushes to keep your teeth clean while you are on the go.

The holiday’s come and go, so give the gift to your teeth by keeping them clean. A holiday will last a few days or weeks, but your teeth must last a lot longer. Keep these holiday dental tips in mind to maintain good oral hygiene during the holiday season. If you have questions about your teeth, give California Dental Group a call at (800) 407-0161 to schedule your next appointment.

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