Dental News

Headache Relief: The Unexpected Role Your Riverside CA Dentist Can Play

July 5, 2023

Nervous african woman breathing calming down relieving headache or managing stress, black girl feeling stressed self-soothing massaging temples exhaling isolated on white grey studio blank background

Frequent headaches are a common complaint, but did you know that they could be connected to jaw pain? This pain and headaches, along with toothaches, share a common pathway – the trigeminal nerve. This nerve, the largest in the head, serves the face, scalp, jaw, teeth, and various structures within the mouth. Pain in one area can cause the nerve to activate in others.

This phenomenon is particularly prevalent in individuals suffering from chronic oral pain or migraines, creating a cyclical process where oral pain and headaches reciprocally trigger each other. If you experience both headaches and oral pain, it’s wise to consult with both your doctor and Riverside CA dentist. A dentist can provide treatments targeting the oral health aspect of the issue, customized to your specific needs.

Bruxism Management

Bruxism, or teeth grinding during sleep, is a leading cause of jaw pain due to constant clenching and muscle tension throughout the night. To prevent waking up in pain, ask your dentist about the possibility of using a night guard or splint. These devices prevent nocturnal teeth grinding, alleviating the associated discomfort.

Orthodontic Intervention

Misaligned bites can induce stress on the jaw joint and muscle tension during biting, chewing, and speaking. Sometimes, poor posture can trigger this misalignment – slouching causes the skull to move back on the spinal column, making the lower jaw shift forward and disrupting proper tooth alignment. In this case, simply improving your posture can rectify the issue. However, if the teeth are inherently misaligned, orthodontic treatment may be necessary.

Toothache Solutions

Persistent oral pain due to a toothache doesn’t necessarily require tooth extraction. Instead, your dentist might recommend a root canal treatment. This procedure involves removing the infected and inflamed tissue and nerves inside the painful tooth. After this, a dental crown can cap the tooth, allowing you to use it as usual without any pain.

Seek Assistance from Your Riverside CA Dentist

If you’re grappling with persistent jaw pain or toothaches, our team at California Dental Group is ready to help. To discuss these issues with one of our experienced dentists, please contact your preferred clinic location to schedule an appointment.

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