Dental News

Get Help from a Dentist if Any of These 4 Issues Have Damaged Your Teeth

August 2, 2018

Get Help from a Dentist if Any of These 4 Issues Have Damaged Your Teeth

Teeth are incredible story. In fact, the strongest element in your entire body is the enamel on your teeth. That said, they are not completely impossible to damage. There are a number of things that can damage them quickly or slowly over time. In some cases, when the damage is slow to come, we find that patients don’t realize until the damage is well under way. Today we have brought together a list of four of the things that could be damaging your teeth.

If you are worried that your teeth have been damaged then we recommend you contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to make an appointment with a dentist who can help you.

  1. Soda
  2. It is unlikely that this is a surprise but it bears repeating: Soda is bad for your teeth. There are actually two things in soda that can dam age your teeth – sugar and acid. The sugar breaks down into bacteria that can literally eat your teeth. Further, the acid is harsh on your teeth and is one of the worst forms – carbonation. You should avoid soda but if you do drink it, try using a straw that will keep it from coming into contact with your teeth. Remember that if you choose to drink diet soda it will prevent the sugar issue but not the acid issue.

  3. Using your teeth as tools
  4. While it may seem obvious that trying to open a bottle with your teeth could lead to damage, many people do it anyway. Even opening a bag of chips with your teeth could damage them. While your teeth are strong and may seem like a great tool in the moment, taking a few extra seconds to find the right tool could save you damage to your teeth.

  5. Bread
  6. Yes, bread can be bad for your teeth. Most people know that sugar is bad for their teeth but too often they do not realize that when they chew bread, it combines with the saliva in their mouth to create a paste that is sticky and sugary. This sticks to the teeth and can eat away the at the teeth, just like sugar does. Does this mean you should never eat bread? Not necessarily but it does mean that you want to ensure you are brush your teeth after a meal that includes bread.

  7. Not eating the right foods
  8. It is important to avoid the wrong foods but it just as important to eat the right foods. For example, you want to eat plenty of calcium to ensure that your teeth stay healthy and strong. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, so it is important too. The bottom line is that good nutrition is likely to yield healthier teeth.

If you are worried about your teeth, whether because you are experiencing tooth pain or you wish your teeth were whiter, then it is time to contact a California dentist to make an appointment.

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