Dental News

Get Answers to Your Most Frequently Asked Questions About Root Canals

October 24, 2018

Get Answers to Your Most Frequently Asked Questions About Root Canals

Most people do not like the idea that they may need to have a root canal procedure done. It generally sounds much more serious than a traditional dental filling. Many people either don’t know much about these procedures or they misunderstand what they are. Today we are going to go over some of the most commonly asked questions about root canals. When you are done reading, contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to make an appointment with an area dentist.

What exactly is a root canal?

Root canal both describes the part of your tooth that is worked on and the procedure involved in working on it. The root canal is actually the space that is inside your tooth. This canal is full of pulp and that pulp can get infected. If that happens, then a root canal is necessary. The procedure begins with opening up the tooth, then removing the pulp, then cleaning out the canal. When the infected part is removed, the canal is then filled with a material that’s similar to rubber to keep the tooth strong and to prevent further infection.

When does a root canal become necessary?

There are actually a number of situations that can lead to the need for a root canal. If you have decay in your tooth and it is not treated, then it can lead to an infection inside the tooth. In some cases, old dental work can become faulty and can result in a tooth becoming vulnerable – which increases the chance of decay and / or root issues. Other types of trauma to the tooth, including cracks and chips, also increase the chances that a root canal will be necessary.

What happens if a root canal is required but not done?

In many cases, a tooth in need of a root canal initially presents like it’s nothing more than a simple cavity. It can be painful and the tooth can be sensitive. If you do not contact your dentist to have the tooth looked at, then the situation can get much more serious very quickly. The pulp that is infected can begin to spread and it can eventually abscess. An abscess can lead to serious pain and can help the infection spread to the jaw, mouth, and throughout the body. Not only can this lead to the need for more dental work, but it can leave a person at risk for other health issues.

What do I do if I believe I need a root canal?

If you are having pain in your tooth or other symptoms of an infected tooth then we highly recommend you contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to make an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible. We will begin with a simple exam and cleaning. We can do x-rays that will tell us what is going on inside. If there are options, we will present them all to you, along with enough information to make the best decision.

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