Dental News

Five Secrets to Banishing Bad Breath

July 9, 2014

Banishing Bad BreathThere’s no nice way to put it; bad breath stinks. Not only is it loathsome and extremely embarrassing to have, but it’s hard to be around others who possess it. Everyone seems to suffer from this obnoxious situation from time to time, but it doesn’t have to be that way. With good dental care and a few practical home remedies, bad breath can be banished. The biggest offender for bad breath is a significant amount of bacteria that has built up inside the mouth. Good oral hygiene habits are essential to nixing odors caused by bacteria. By brushing twice daily, flossing and using a strong oral rinse daily, you can easily combat the unfavorable aromas caused by oral bacteria. Sometimes though, bad breath can be caused by other factors, including dry mouth, smoking, certain foods, medications, sinus conditions and gum disease. Here are five secrets to maintaining long-lasting fresh breath all day long.

Scrape the Tongue

You may be surprised to know that scraping the tongue can actually help keep your breath fresher for a longer amount of time. By using a tongue scraper to remove the bacteria that is trapped around the taste buds, your mouth will instantly feel cleaner.

Change the Toothbrush

It may seem like common knowledge, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t regularly change out their toothbrush. By using a new one every three months (at least), you can avoid spreading the bad bacteria that’s accumulated on the bristles.

Wet your Whistle

After poor oral hygiene habits, one of the main causes of bad breath is a dry mouth. By sipping water throughout the day, you’re not only preventing dehydration in the body, but you’re also washing away food particles that stuck around after your last meal. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day.

Beware of Common Offenders

Most people know that smoking is a common offender of bad breath, but did you know there are many common beverages that are also culprits? Coffee, wine, beer and whiskey top the list for the biggest beverage offenders for bad breath. To keep your mouth fresh and odorless, sip water instead.

Spice Things Up

While mints and gums can help freshen breath temporarily, next time reach for the real deal. Fresh sprigs of mint leaves or parsley are a great way to naturally fight oral odors. Consider keeping some fennel, cloves or cardamom at your disposal as well, since they also act as natural breath fresheners. One of the best ways to ensure you won’t suffer from bad breath is to keep your regularly scheduled dental appointments every six months. Receiving regular cleanings, in conjunction with good oral hygiene practices at home, will help safeguard your mouth from harmful bacteria and keep your breath minty fresh.

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