
Expect From Your Porcelain VeneersIf you are looking for a way to improve your smile, veneers may be the right option for you. These products are made from thin pieces of porcelain and have the appearance of natural teeth. They are often the top choice for people needing small alterations to tooth shape, size, or color. By understanding the benefits and maintenance requirements of veneers, you can determine whether or not they are the best choice for you.

Establishing Yourself as a Viable Candidate

Scheduling a visit with a cosmetic dentist is the first step you should take when you decide to get veneers. It is essential that there is open communication between you and your dentist. You should spend time talking about the improvements you want to make to your teeth. Each mouth is different, and in order for a dentist to decide whether veneers are right for you, he or she will give you a smile analysis. This process should outline the necessary steps to giving you the results you desire. If your dentist determines that you are a viable candidate, it is at this point that you must decide whether or not to go through with the procedure.

The Benefits of Veneers

You never have to worry about people noticing your veneers, as each one of them is sculpted in a way that conforms to your natural teeth. Unlike crowns, veneers will do little to alter your other teeth. When they are placed in your mouth, minimal changes need to be made to make them fit. The porcelain in the veneers is highly resistant to the stains produced by coffee or tea. Even the teeth that are most stubborn to whitening will be improved through the use of veneers.

Preserving the Look of the Veneers

When it comes to maintaining the veneers, it is only necessary to keep one concept in mind: treat the veneers as you would your natural teeth. Flossing and brushing on a regular basis should be enough to keep them looking clean. Of course, the veneers are not completely resistant to damage. Excessive force could potentially break them. If you have a problem with biting your teeth, then your dentist may provide you with a mouth guard as a means of protecting the veneers.

How to Achieve a Bright and Natural Smile

If your dentist thinks veneers are appropriate for you, then there are numerous benefits available to you. You will be given a bright and natural smile, and little alterations will need to be made to your mouth. As long as you are willing to properly care for the veneers, then there is no reason why you should not be able to have long-lasting results. To discuss your options, contact California Dental Group and schedule an appointment with a professional cosmetic dentist.

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