Dental News

Everyone Should Know What to Do if They Suffer a Dental Emergency in California

October 3, 2022

Everyone Should Know What to Do if They Suffer a Dental Emergency in California

The concept of a small dental emergency does not exist. The truth is that you shouldn’t disregard dental injuries whenever they occur. By doing this, there may be a greater likelihood of long-term harm. We advise you to call California Dental Group as soon as possible in case of a dental emergency at (800) 407-0161. Continue reading to find out what you can do right now.

At-home toothache treatment

Start by rinsing your mouth and flossing if one or more of your teeth are aching. Anything that has been stuck in your teeth will be removed by doing this. Apply ice to your cheeks or mouth if you notice that your mouth has become puffy. Avoid applying aspirin or any other type of analgesic directly to the gums since doing so might cause gum burn.

If a tooth is cracked or chipped

Keep as much of the tooth as you can. Rinse your lips to remove any small fragments of shattered glass. Put gauze on the area where you are bleeding for about 10 minutes, or until the bleeding stops. Then place ice on the lip, cheek, or region of your mouth that was fractured or chipped.

If you lose a tooth

Try to find the tooth if you can. Hold it only by the top and run water over the root. Avoid wiping or removing any adhering tissue. Don’t press the tooth into the socket; rather, try to place it back where it was. Put it in a little container with milk if you find it difficult to keep it in your mouth. Next, give your California dentist a call as soon as you can.

Something is lodged in your teeth

First, use dental floss to try to move it. If you can, take care to remove it gently. If you’re having trouble getting it out, ask California Dental Group for assistance. Under no circumstances should you poke at it with a pin, knife, or other sharp item.

You break a crown or a filling

While you wait to visit a dentist if a filling is lost, place a piece of sugar-free gum in the cavity. Bring the crown into your dentist’s office if you lose one. Apply clove oil with a Q-Tip to the tender region if it aches. Clove oil is available at your neighborhood food shop.

You’ve got an abscess

An infection is an abscess. It might happen in the region of the tooth’s root or in the space between your teeth and gums. In any case, it may result in severe oral and overall health problems. It is not sufficient to wait for something to go away in hopes that it will. Get in touch with your dentist immediately away.

These are only a few techniques you might use to get the healing process going at home. Again, we must emphasize how important it is that you schedule a meeting as soon as you can. We will evaluate your problem and work with you to identify the appropriate methods to deal with it healthfully. Call California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 now to request an appointment.

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