Dental News

Do You Want a Whiter Smile? Consider These Three Options

December 19, 2018

Do You Want a Whiter Smile? Consider These Three Options

No one wants teeth that are less than white yet many people assume that beautiful white teeth are not an option. At California Dental Group we offer many cosmetic dentistry options that can help you get the beautiful white smile you have always dreamed of. Read on to learn about three of the options out there and then decide which one will work best for you.

  1. Whitening toothpastes

  2. If you go to any drug story or grocery store, you will see plenty of whitening toothpastes – along with mouthwashes and other types of oral products that claim to whiten your teeth. The question is: Do they help? Yes, they can help, but only to an extent. These products are meant to get rid of surface-level discoloration. This can make a notable difference but it takes time and it will not be a deep difference.

  3. At-home whitening kits

  4. You will also see plenty of teeth whitening kits at the local drug or grocery store. Today these range from very simple choices to very complex and expensive ones. You can even order options that come with customizable molds and other advanced features.

    As is true of the whitening toothpastes and mouthwashes, these can have an impact. However, they will take a long time and the stains are likely to come back as soon as they are discontinued. There are other potential issues with these at-home kits too. For example, some people end up with sensitive teeth after whitening their teeth. They can also be extremely expensive. If you are going to invest in this option, make sure you fully vet the company you buy from and that they offer a full refund.

  5. Professional whitening services form your dentist

  6. The third option is to talk to your dentist and have professional teeth whitening done. There are some significant advantages to this option over other choices. For example, it makes an enormous difference after just one application. This is because we have access to much more powerful products than you can buy over the counter.

Second, you will see lasting results with professional services. While one application will not last you the rest of your life, it can last for months or even a full year before you need another application. This is a much longer lifespan than other products.

Make an appointment today to talk to your dentist about your options

Do none of the above options seem acceptable to you? Do you want drastic, permanent results? Then veneers may be the right choice. If you are experiencing decay or malformation of your teeth, then a crow or bridge may be the right choice. Regardless, you can trust California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to consider all the options and provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan.

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