Dental News

Discovering Essential Tools in a Modern Gardena Dental Clinic: Learn What Those Common Tools Are

August 29, 2023

Young woman having her teeth scanned via 3D tooth scanner technology.

Choosing the right Gardena dental clinic goes beyond just assessing the dentist’s expertise and approach to care. It’s crucial to ensure that the facility is equipped with both timeless tools and the latest technological advancements to guarantee optimal care. Dive into a brief exploration of six fundamental dental tools you will likely encounter at California Dental Group.

The Reflective Mirror

A simple yet indispensable tool, the dental mirror is foundational in ensuring thorough oral care. With its reflective surface, dentists and hygienists can view all angles of each tooth, ensuring they’re in their best health. Its magnifying property also enhances detailed inspections, making no dental issue too minor to detect.

The Dental Probe

Often recognized as a metal hook, the dental probe or explorer plays a pivotal role in assessing oral health. Whether it’s gauging plaque, tartar build-up, or searching for potential cavities, this instrument is a dentist’s go-to. Additionally, its straight, blunted version aids in examining gum pockets’ health and any signs of potential gum infections.

The Modern Dental Drill

The mention of a dental drill might bring some apprehension, but with today’s advances, it’s a far cry from its once-dreaded reputation. High-quality diamond burrs combined with specific analgesics, like Novocain, transform cavity treatments into quick and nearly painless procedures. Moreover, with the versatility of different burrs, it’s not just limited to cavities; the drill also assists in refining fillings, mending minor chips, and dispensing tartar.

The Saliva Ejector

While its name might sound complex, this tool is fondly known as the ‘sucker’. As dental procedures are conducted, this small tube is essential to keep the mouth free from saliva, ensuring a dry work environment for the dentist or hygienist. This not only enhances comfort for patients but also prevents accidental ingestion of dental materials during procedures.

The Diagnostic X-Ray Machine

No dental clinic would be complete without the trusted X-ray machine. Typically required every 3 to 5 years, unless prompted by a specific dental concern, X-rays play a crucial role in unveiling hidden dental issues such as:

  • Hidden cysts or abscesses
  • Signs of bone loss
  • Both benign and malignant tumors
  • Decay between teeth
  • Developmental anomalies
  • Improper tooth and root positions
  • Underlying concerns within the tooth pulp or below the gum line

The Advent of Digital Scanners

Last, but by no means least, is the digital scanner – a hallmark of clinics that prioritize cutting-edge technology. At California Dental Group, for instance, the introduction of tools like the iTero scanner revolutionized the dental experience. Gone are the days of uncomfortable dental impressions with trays and distasteful chemicals. The iTero scanner swiftly captures accurate 3D models of teeth, streamlining the process for ordering dental appliances like crowns or bridges.

Ready to experience world-class dental care in Gardena? Reach out to California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to schedule your visit.

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