Dental News

Dentures and Dental Implants: A Quick and Simple Comparison of the Two

April 17, 2023

The most recent figures show that by the age of 74, more than 25 percent of adults have lost every tooth. It is obvious that finding a long-term solution to tooth loss is worthwhile taking into account given that the Social Security Administration anticipates the average man to live to age 84 and the average woman to live to age 86.

The long-term, comfortable, attractive, and healthy solution you’re looking for may be available with dental implants. A single missing tooth can be replaced with a dental implant, or many implants can be utilized in conjunction with an implant-supported denture to replace all of your missing teeth.

Here are just a few of the numerous compelling arguments in favor of selecting dental implants over conventional dentures. Contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 if you would like to hear more about these or other cosmetic dentistry options.

Enhanced Comfort

Traditional dentures have the significant drawback of having a fit that can rub, irritate, and even lead to ulcers on the gums. Even with high-end dentures, finding the right fit—and making sure your dentures continue to fit properly over time—will take numerous visits to your dentist for fits and modifications.

It may be difficult to ever achieve a completely comfortable fit with low-cost dentures. In contrast, dental implants mimic the feel of natural teeth and, when covered with attractive crowns, don’t interfere with your bite or hurt your gums.

Independence to Eat Anything You Want

Traditional dentures might shift or even fall out when you try to eat certain foods, even with denture glue. Your diet will be limited as a result, and you might not be able to enjoy some of your favorite foods. But there aren’t many limitations when it comes to dental implants. Fundamentally, all you have to do to protect the crowns on your implants is to refrain from biting ice or other hard materials. You have no issues eating crunchy foods like apples or corn on the cob.

No Speech Barrier

During the early adjustment period, people wearing new dentures may lisp or have other speech issues. Even if you are able to modify your speech to accommodate for your dentures, they may still click or move awkwardly while you are speaking. Some people become so self-conscious of their voice and looks that they withdraw from society, which lowers their quality of life. On the other side, an implant-supported denture will fit more naturally and keep in place better than dentures, so you won’t have the same speech problems.

Strengthened Bone Health

Dentures and other tooth replacement options do not actually reduce jaw bone loss the way dental implants do. Due to a process known as osseointegration, your bone will eventually join with the titanium pegs that support dental implants and implant-supported dentures over time. This helps prevent bone loss from making your face appear “old” or sunken and making your jaw brittle. With dental implants from California Dental Group, you’ll look and feel younger!

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