Dental News

Could You Have a Cavity? Look Out for These 4 Warning Signs in Eagle Rock

July 11, 2023

Woman complaining on toothache at the clinic. Symptoms of gums pain

Most adults in America will experience at least one cavity in their lifetime. While they aren’t unavoidable, cavities are rather prevalent. When a cavity forms, a hole develops in the tooth, exposing the highly sensitive nerve tissue within. This hole is caused by the acid in plaque slowly corroding the tooth, often leading to substantial pain.

If you’ve been worried about possibly requiring a tooth filling, keep reading to discover four prevalent cavity symptoms. If any of these signs are familiar, get in touch with California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to schedule a visit.

Persistent Toothache

A persistent toothache is the most apparent and initial indicator of a cavity. Although toothaches can occur for several reasons, cavities are the most frequent cause. When a cavity forms, it implies that a tooth’s nerve is exposed, which can be extremely painful and won’t improve without dental intervention. We recommend contacting a dentist in Eagle Rock sooner rather than later if you experience any type of toothache.

Sensitivity in Teeth

You might not have a continuous toothache, but occasional shooting pain through your tooth could indicate a cavity. This sensation is known as sensitivity. Cavities can trigger various types of sensitivity – to hot or cold beverages or even sweet treats. If sipping a cold drink or hot coffee causes pain, or if eating a sweet dessert makes you wince, there’s a high likelihood of a cavity.

Visible Holes in Teeth

If you suspect a cavity, take a moment to examine your teeth in a mirror. If you notice tiny holes, particularly near the areas causing pain, you might have a cavity. However, not all cavities are visibly apparent. If a cavity is visible, it indicates a substantial issue. If not yet visible, there may still be time to treat it before it causes significant damage.

Stained Teeth

Tooth stains can occur for a variety of reasons, including frequent consumption of coffee or wine or tobacco use. However, if you notice other cavity symptoms coupled with increased tooth staining, it could be another indicator of a cavity.

In conclusion, if you suspect you have a cavity, it’s time to consult a dentist in Eagle Rock. Here at California Dental Group, we’re eager to assist. Get in touch with us online or at (800) 407-0161 to schedule an appointment.

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