Dental News

Can an Apple a Day Keep the Dentist Away from Your Kids?

February 3, 2017

Can an Apple a Day Keep the Dentist Away from Your Kids? Most people have heard the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But did you know that apples can also be an important part of home oral care – especially for kids? At California Dental Group, we are here to provide exceptional dental care for our patients of all ages, but according to the Academy of General Dentistry, kids may be in special need.

A recent study had some results that may surprise you

According to a study completed by the Academy of General Dentistry over a period of a year and a half, school age children are at a great risk of cavities because they have a large increase in the amount of sugar they eat.

The survey followed preschool kids before they started school and after. They found that at age 5, kids had less than a 10% change of having decayed, missing, or filled teeth. On the other hand, at age 6, that number went up more than 50% to 15.3%. The study showed that just while this particular study was being completed the percentage of school children who’d never had a cavity and a filling went down from 23% to 19%. This may be in part due to changes in the food available at schools.

How to lower the chance that your child gets a cavity

It’s important to start good oral health habits at a young age because it makes it much more likely that children will follow through for the rest of their lives. The easiest way a parent can do that is to monitor both how often they brush and what they’re eating.

We recommend giving your kids healthy snack options, like carrots and yes, apples. Look for foods that are good for their teeth and their bodies, but are also naturally sweet. They should avoid chocolates (including chocolate milk), candies, caramels, and any other food that has refined sugar.

The organisms in your mouth that can lead to cavities feed on sugar and they then turn it into acid. It’s that acid that attacks the enamel of the tooth and results in tooth decay. Foods that are sticky – like chewy candy – can stick to the teeth for the whole day. Encourage your kids to brush their teeth if they do eat sticky candy, or at least rinse their mouth out. If they can’t do either, then eating an apple can actually be a significant help to clean their gums and teeth.

Don’t forget regularly exams and cleanings

You also need to make sure that you’re bringing your child to California Dental Group twice a year for an exam and a cleaning. We can spot minor problems before they become significant. We can help encourage kids to brush and floss regularly and well. If you’re ready to make an appointment, give us a call at (800) 407-0161. We are here to serve the entire family.


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