Dental News

Ask Your California Dentist: What is Dental Erosion and How Do I Deal with It?

October 23, 2023

Dental erosion signifies the degradation of tooth enamel due to acid attacks, excluding bacterial intervention. This enamel layer acts as a protective shield for your tooth’s interior components. When acids erode these enamel microcrystals, it leaves the underlying layer, termed dentine, vulnerable.

This dentine layer, having a yellowish hue, encompasses the majority of the tooth structure and safeguards the innermost pulp chamber. Advanced erosion could render the dentine visible, leading to heightened sensitivity and discomfort. Read on to learn more and contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 if you are overdue for your dental exam and cleaning.

The Underlying Factors Behind Dental Erosion

During regular oral examinations, your dental practitioner can identify signs of dental erosion. This dental condition can stem from either intrinsic or extrinsic sources. Intrinsic erosion is primarily caused by consistent exposure of the mouth to stomach acids. Instances like gastroesophageal reflux or consistent vomiting can elevate the risk of dental erosion due to the prolonged presence of these acids, leading to enamel degradation.

On the other hand, extrinsic erosion roots from specific diet and habitual choices. Predominantly, fruit juices and aerated beverages stand as major culprits. These drinks generally exhibit a low pH value, ranging between 2 and 3.5, making them more acidic in comparison to water, which has a neutral pH of 7. Moreover, citric snacks and juices can further contribute to this erosion. Additionally, many processed foods incorporate food acids, though some fruits naturally contain them.

Proactive Measures Against Dental Erosion

Once dental erosion occurs, it’s permanent. Nonetheless, proactive measures can be adopted to both prevent and control its progression. Tweaking your diet can substantially mitigate the risk of dental erosion. Minimizing the intake of acid-rich foods and beverages can shield your teeth from harmful acids. Opting for water over fizzy drinks is a wise decision. Similarly, dairy products like milk and yogurt, devoid of added sugars, can counteract erosion due to their rich calcium and phosphate content.

Modifying consumption habits can also play a pivotal role in erosion prevention. To lessen the acidic exposure on your teeth, consider drinking using a straw and avoid swishing beverages in your mouth. Post meal, chewing sugar-free gum can encourage saliva secretion, which neutralizes the mouth’s acidic environment. Moreover, brushing your teeth intermittently throughout the day can be beneficial.

Intervention for Dental Erosion

In situations where erosion has extensively damaged the tooth surface, dental intervention becomes necessary. Your dentist might suggest tooth replacements, bonding a filling to the affected tooth, or even opting for a crown. Staying vigilant with routine dental visits and seeking advice from your dental professionals can circumvent the detrimental outcomes of unchecked dental erosion.

Should you confront challenges related to dental erosion, it’s paramount to get in touch with California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 and book an appointment with a specialized dental practitioner.

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