Dental News

Aging Requires New Care for Your Teeth: Learn How to Care for Your Teeth as You Age

March 22, 2022

Aging Requires New Care for Your Teeth: Learn How to Care for Your Teeth as You Age

As you get older, your teeth and mouth go through a lot of changes. It is even more vital as you get older to maintain good oral health. Many individuals believe that tooth loss is unavoidable as they become older, but this is not the case. Your teeth will last a lifetime if you take adequate care of them. Keep reading to learn more and contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 if it’s time to make an appointment with a dentist.

Oral and dental changes

Due to all of the chewing, biting, and grinding of the food we eat, tooth enamel can wear away with age. Your teeth’s nerves can also shrink, making them more vulnerable to cavities and other dental problems. As you become older, your gums may recede as well. The gum tissue pulls away from the tooth, revealing the tooth’s base, or root. This allows germs to grow and produce irritation, which leads to tooth decay.

Gum recession is frequently caused by brushing too hard over time. Saliva production decreases with aging, resulting in drier mouths. Saliva helps to keep your gums healthy and protects your teeth from deterioration. Saliva deficiency can cause issues with taste, chewing, and swallowing, as well as mouth ulcers, gum disease and tooth decay, and yeast infection.

Additional contributing variables, such as drugs or co-morbid health problems like diabetes, might cause dry mouth.

Oral hygiene suggestions

No matter your age, good dental and oral hygiene is crucial for healthy teeth and gums. Here are a few pointers to help you maintain and enhance your dental health.

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day using a soft-bristle toothbrush
  • To help prevent tooth decay, use fluoride toothpaste
  • Floss every day to eliminate food particles and plaque from between your teeth
  • If you have dentures, make sure you clean them every day and take them out at night
  • If you smoke, quit to minimize your chances of developing mouth cancer
  • Eat a nutritious diet and stay away from unhealthy snacks and drinks
  • Because most tap water includes fluoride, it can help reduce tooth decay and loss
  • If you have dental discomfort, swollen or red gums, a dry mouth, white or red patches in your mouth, loose teeth, or dentures that don’t fit properly, call your doctor
  • Maintain your scheduled dental appointments for periodic examinations and cleanings

Whether you have natural teeth or use implants and dentures, making wise dietary and dental choices as you age will help your teeth endure a long time. Contact California Dental Group for additional information on how to care for your teeth as you age. We are a group of dental specialists that can assist you with your oral difficulties. To make an appointment with us, please contact (800) 407-0161.

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