Dental News

6 Things Your Dentist Can Find Out During a Dental Exam

January 9, 2016

You might be surprised what your teeth and gums can tell your dentist about you.

6 Things Your Dentist Can Find Out During a Dental ExamDuring a dental cleaning and exam, your dentist will naturally make a thorough study of your teeth and gums to check for any dental problems such as cavities. But have you ever wondered what else they might learn while looking into your mouth? Here are 6 things you may be surprised to learn your dentist can find out just by examining your mouth.

You Don’t Really Floss Daily

It can be embarrassing to have your dentist figure out that you haven’t been taking very good care of your teeth. Sometimes, people try to avoid this by stepping up their dental hygiene right before their appointment. However, your dentist will not be fooled by this. If you only start flossing a few days before your dental appointment, your gums will likely show some damage. It is very common for gums to be tender or bleed when you first start flossing after weeks or months of neglect.

You’re Pregnant

During pregnancy, levels of a hormone called progesterone increase. This has the side effect of facilitating the growth of bacteria and causing gingivitis. Additionally, some pregnant women can develop a red lump on their gums known as a “pregnancy tumor.” The tumor is benign and should go away after the birth. An experienced dentist should be able to correctly identify these developments are related to pregnancy.

You Bite Your Nails

Even if you are careful to hide your hands in your lap during your dental exam, your dentist may be able to tell you have a bad habit. Often, people who bite their nails end up with worn, flat edges on their front teeth. This isn’t from contact with the fingernails but from incidental contact of the top and bottom teeth.

You Sucked Your Thumb as a Child

When kids suck their thumbs after getting permanent teeth, this can cause the teeth to become misaligned, affecting not only their smile but also their bite. Dentists—especially those with experience in orthodontics—can recognize this pattern.

You Have Diabetes

Poor blood sugar control affects your oral health. Specifically, patients with poorly controlled diabetes may suddenly display rapid changes in gum health, such as increased bleeding, swelling, and sensitivity. Increased tooth decay may also be evident. If you have been visiting the same dentist for many years, they should be able to notice these changes and recognize that they could be connected to your blood sugar.

You Have Oral Cancer

Dentists are your first line of defense against oral cancer. During your routine dental exam, they will note any potential signs of cancer in your mouth such as unexplained bleeding, swellings, lumps, bumps, and white or red patches. If you take this opportunity to get the condition evaluated by a doctor, it could very well save your life as most oral cancers have a high survival rate when caught early.

Ready to Schedule Your Dental Cleaning & Exam?

If you would like to have one of our experienced dentists check up on your oral health, please contact us today. We’ll be happy to schedule an appointment at the clinic location of your choice.

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