Dental News

Have You Noticed Your Teeth Have Been Stained? These are 8 Potential Reasons

February 15, 2019

Have You Noticed Your Teeth Have Been Stained? These are 8 Potential Reasons

Everyone wishes they had a bright, white, beautiful smile yet this is only the case for a select few. If you have noticed that your teeth are less white than they used to be – or less while then you would like them to be – then these eight reasons could be the cause. You can make an appointment with California Dental Group to have your teeth professionally whitened just call us at (800) 407-0161.

  1. Coffee and red wine. There are a few different beverages that can stain your teeth, including coffee and red wine. Even black tea has a staining pigment that could be an issue. To reduce staining by these methods, drink water between sips. You can also add milk to your coffee to help reduce staining.
  2. Eating certain foods. Just as there are beverages that can cause staining, there are foods that can too. This includes anything that is brightly colored, such as beets, candies, or berries, along with sauces with rich colors such as spaghetti sauce or soy sauce.
  3. Acidic beverages. Just because white wine is white does not mean that it does not harm your teeth. Instead of the color causing a problem it is the acid itself, which can weaken your enamel and make other substances more likely to stain your teeth.
  4. Not using a straw. It stands to reason that the longer your teeth are in contact with a potential staining agent, the more likely they are to be stained. For this reason, we recommend using a straw.
  5. Not drinking enough water. If you drink the recommended amount of daily water, you will not only be well hydrated but you could be rinsing staining substances off your teeth. Tap water with fluoride offers added protection against decay and cavities.
  6. Smoking. Of course, if we were to list all the reasons that smoking are bad for you, it would be a very long list. On that list would be the fact that it stains your teeth. It can also increase your chance of numerous oral health issues such as oral cancer and gum disease.
  7. Poor oral hygiene. If your teeth have a lot of plaque and tartar, they are more likely to be stained. If you do not brush your teeth and allow stain-causing foods to stay on your teeth, your chances of staining will be higher. Brush at least twice a day and floss once daily.
  8. Skipping visits with your dentist. There are many reasons that we suggest patients see us twice yearly. If you are skipping your appointments then you could be allowing buildup that can eventually stain your teeth.

Are you due for a dental exam? Are you interested in learning about teeth whitening options? Then contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to set up an appointment.

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