Dental News

Why Are My Teeth Yellowing? Learn the Cause and the Solution

February 25, 2019

Why Are My Teeth Yellowing? Learn the Cause and the Solution

What do people see when you smile? Do they see a happy person or are they confronted with yellow, stained teeth? If you have begun to notice that your teeth are no longer as white and bright as they once were, if they are getting downright yellow, then you may be wondering what is going on.

The best way to find out for sure is to make an appointment for a dental cleaning and exam by contacting California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161. You can also keep reading to learn about common causes of yellowing teeth.

Certain Beverages Can Cause Your Teeth to Yellow

There are some beverages that can actually yellow your teeth. You may live for your morning cup of coffee or tea, but both can actually stain your teeth. Wine is another culprit, and even soda can stain your teeth. If you drink any of these beverages with sugar in them then you are doing even more damage to your teeth.

Specific Foods Can Yellow Your Teeth

As is true of what you drink, some of the things you eat can be causing your teeth to yellow. Think of it this way: If you are eating something that would stain a plate if left on it for too long, then it is likely to stain your teeth too. This includes brightly colored fruits like berries, or even apples or potatoes. The best way to prevent this issue is to brush your teeth regularly to remove the offending colors before they can stain your teeth.

Tobacco Use Can Cause a Lot of Harm

As if you needed another reason to quit smoking, it can turn your teeth very yellow. What’s more, it can cause or worsen gum disease, which can result in lost teeth. Of course, oral cancer is much more common in smokers or those who otherwise use tobacco. If you are using tobacco in any form, we strong suggest that you quit.

Not Taking Care of Your Teeth Will Eventually Lead to Them Yellowing

Over time, not taking care of your teeth is going to lead them to yellow. You should be brushing at least twice a day for at least two minutes each time. You should be flossing daily. You should be visiting your dentist for a dental cleaning twice a year. If you do not follow these rules, then you are allowing plaque to sit on your teeth, which will eventually lead to tartar, which will yellow your teeth.

You May Simply Be Getting Older

Try as you might, at some point you are likely to have yellower teeth. This is because as you live your life, your teeth’s enamel is breaking down. Underneath it is a substance called dentin, which is a yellowish color. The more it shows through, the yellower your teeth look.

If you are embarrassed by or concerned about your yellow teeth then we recommend you contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 now to make an appointment for teeth whitening.

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