Dental News

What Is Aloe Vera Tooth Gel?

April 19, 2015

Aloe vera tooth gel can help sensitive teeth but is not a substitute for toothpaste.

What Is Aloe Vera Tooth Gel?At California Dental Group, we support our patients in their quest for natural oral care products that support their goal of ensuring holistic dental care. However, it is very important to understand what you’re getting into when you consider natural or alternative oral care products. Aloe vera tooth gel is a perfect example.

What Is Aloe Vera Tooth Gel?

Aloe vera tooth gel is a product sometimes promoted as an alternative to regular toothpaste. It makes use of the anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties of the aloe vera plant, which has been used for centuries to soothe burns, minor cuts, and skin irritation.

Does Aloe Vera Tooth Gel Work?

Experts have long agreed that aloe vera tooth gel is useful for soothing pain related to sensitive teeth or gums. But its cavity-fighting powers have been questioned. However, according to a study published in the journal General Dentistry, aloe vera tooth gel is actually just as successful at controlling the populations of cavity-causing bacteria in the mouth as the two popular commercial toothpastes tested in the study.

What Aloe Vera Tooth Gel Can’t Do

It is important to understand that most toothpastes—even those made for sensitive teeth—do more than control oral bacteria. Most toothpastes also contain abrasive ingredients that polish teeth to help remove even more plaque and to help lighten stains. Aloe vera tooth gel can’t do this. Many toothpastes also contain compounds that help with remineralization, or the natural process of new minerals being deposited on tooth enamel to strengthen and rebuild it. Again, aloe vera tooth gel does not provide this benefit.

Buyer Beware

Not all aloe vera products necessarily have bacteria-fighting abilities. According to the author of the study referenced earlier, an aloe vera tooth gel must contain the stabilized gel that comes from the center of the plant in order to be effective in controlling bacteria. This gel must be properly processed in order to retain its healthy properties. If the gel is exposed to excessive heat or filtration during manufacturing, the essential compounds responsible for controlling bacteria will be compromised.

Get Expert Advice About Oral Care Products

If you are interested in finding effective oral care products with natural ingredients, the best place to start is with a visit to your dentist. Your dentist can provide recommendations that take into account your unique needs such as sensitive teeth. Don’t forget though, no matter what products you use at home there is no substitute for a professional dental cleaning at least once per year.

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