Dental News

Three Signs That You Are Taking Great Care of Your Teeth and Gums

April 24, 2020

Three Signs That You Are Taking Great Care of Your Teeth and Gums

You can find plenty of advice on how to tell if you likely have gum disease or other oral health issues, but finding information on how to tell you are doing a good job taking care of your teeth can be harder to find. Read on for three signs that you are doing great. Then contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 if you need to make an appointment.

  1. Your Gums Are Healthy
  2. The health of your gums is directly related to how well you care for your teeth. if you do not brush or floss regularly, the first place it will be noticeable is likely the gums. According to various studies, there is a genetic component to gum disease so if you know that others in your family have suffered from gum disease then you should be extra diligent in caring for your teeth.

    Healthy gums should be pink and firm. If they are red, puffy, or inflamed, then they are likely not healthy. If they bleed when you brush then they are not healthy. The issues in your gums are often the result of plaque building up on and between the teeth, which can result in tartar and damage gums and teeth.

  3. Your Teeth Are White
  4. The way your teeth look can be a great indicator of the health of your teeth. If you do not brush them regularly, then it is likely that plaque will develop. This is a filmy look that occurs during the gum line. Skipping regular dental appointments can also lead to discoloration. Flossing helps keep plaque away and if you are not flossing then it could be an issue. Decay is one of the most obvious signs that your teeth are suffering from poor oral hygiene.

  5. You Have Good Breath
  6. No matter what they do, every person will experience bad breath at one time or another. It may be that they have eaten a food that gives them bad breath. It could be that they have skipped a nighttime brushing. However, if a person experiences bad breath without any obvious cause or after brushing regularly, then this could be a sign there are serious issues. A person with consistently good breath is likely to be a person who has good breath.

Signs of Good Oral Health Do Not Mean You Can Skip the Dentist

Do not make the mistake of believing that having these signs of good oral health means you can skip your regular visit to the dentist. The truth is that no matter how good your oral health is today, it can get worse quickly if you do not continue to take the right steps. If it is time for your checkup, contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 right away.

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