California Dental Group

These Dental Conditions Should Prompt an Immediate Trip to Your Local Dentist

People frequently put off visiting the dentist as soon as they become aware of a dental issue for a variety of reasons. They might not have time, they might not have a relationship with a dentist, or they might just be one of the 15% of American adults who experience dread or anxiety when visiting the dentist.

Whatever your circumstances, the truth is that there are some things you just shouldn’t put off. Remember that treatment of your dental issues will be more economical and less painful the earlier they are addressed. After reading about three dental diseases that require immediate attention, call California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to schedule an appointment.


Many people are unaware of the prevalence of periodontitis in America. In spite of the fact that there are two distinct types of gum disease and that one of them is more severe than the other, both call for prompt treatment.

It’s gingivitis if your gum disease is just getting started. Periodontitis is the more serious condition. It’s time to schedule a comprehensive dental cleaning and exam with California Dental Group if you exhibit any of the symptoms of either condition. You can treat gingivitis at home by altering your dental routines if you’re still in the early stages of the condition. Periodontitis, on the other hand, can need more intensive care. In either case, the easier it is to treat the earlier you catch it.


Most dental problems are caused by tartar bacteria. Plaque is fed by bacteria when you have them. Your teeth’s enamel will eventually erode as a result of plaque adhering to them. As long as you practice basic oral hygiene, plaque is not a major problem because it can be removed with a toothbrush or by using dental floss.

On the other side, plaque will eventually harden into tartar if you don’t consistently brush and floss. It takes specialized dental equipment to remove this hard, hardened substance. Tooth decay could result if it is not removed. Tartar is something you want to avoid, and if you do have it, you need help to deal with it. Call your dentist at (800) 407-0161 straight away.


You would visit the doctor straight away if you had an illness in any other area of your body. In spite of this, people frequently wait for their tooth infection to clear up on its own. Either a tooth infection or a gum infection needs to be treated right away. If left alone, the pain will only increase, and what might initially seem to be a small problem might quickly develop into a serious medical emergency. Please call California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 as soon as you suspect an infection so we can schedule your visit.

The truth is that most dental emergencies may be avoided if you brush and floss every day and visit your dentist twice a year. We look forward to assisting you in finding the best solution if you are facing a serious problem. Call us right now to begin.

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