Dental News

Your Teeth Can Offer Insight Into Larger Health Problems

June 12, 2014

Health ProblemsWhile good dental care is important on its own, the quality of your teeth can provide insight to the state of your health overall. A number of serious problems can be reflected in dental condition, including things like diabetes, acid reflux, and even certain types of cancer.

To ensure improved health for the entire body, it helps to be aware of which symptoms can serve as indicators to more significant conditions. Armed with this information, you can take a proactive approach to receiving medical treatment for any ongoing health concerns.

Chronic Sores Can Be a Sign of Oral Cancer

Injuries within the mouth can occur with great frequency, either due to accidental bites or nervous habits involving constant chewing of the delicate tissues. A problem arises when these sores fail to heal properly, sometimes leaving a discolored marking behind.

In this event, it’s crucial for patients to see a dentist as soon as possible. Chronic sores can be an indicator of oral cancers, a serious malady affecting thousands of people on a yearly basis. Oral cancers can result in devastating developments if not detected early enough, from disfigurement to death. However, many of those afflicted by oral cancers experience successful recoveries with early treatment.

Autoimmune Disorders Can Result in Dry Mouth

While everything from taking certain medications to smoking can cause dry mouth, this condition can also be an indicator of serious autoimmune disorders. Dry mouth is cited as a symptom for both diabetes, as well as Sjogren’s syndrome, which involves white blood cells attacking the glands responsible for producing saliva.

These conditions can become quite severe if left untreated. For that reason, early detection is crucial for managing such illnesses. This is especially true in the case of diabetes, which can become deadly if the proper treatments are not in place.

Too Much Stress Plays a Role in Excessive Tooth-Grinding

Grinding one’s teeth is a typical stress response. Unfortunately, many people may not even be aware of the issue because the majority of the teeth-grinding may take place during the sleep cycle. In this event, it’s important to get to the root of the problem for both dental health, as well as mental well-being.

Implications of increased stress can affect heart health, blood pressure, and even contribute to mental unrest. While tooth-grinding can be remedied by using mouth guards when sleeping, further action must be taken to reduce the overall level of stress one experiences on daily basis.

A Healthy Mouth Is Integral for a Healthy Body

Keeping on top of one’s dental health can be important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Thankfully, California Dental Group   offers a variety of procedures that can improve your smile, as well as your general health and well-being.


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