Dental News

Surprising Health Benefits From Brushing Your Teeth

July 18, 2014

Brushing your teeth is more than avoiding bad breath. It offers surprising health benefits.

BrushingFrom the time you were a little child, your parents taught you to brush your teeth. This activity became a habit quickly for most kids, and it is something that continues throughout life. Regular brushing minimizes the chances of cavities and freshens the breath. The American Dental Association also recommends it. In addition, this daily habit offers surprising health benefits.

Prevent Respiratory Diseases

Periodontal disease and respiratory disease are linked. Research shows that the bacteria that are involved with the development of periodontal disease (or gum disease) could be attributed to the same bacteria that cause respiratory disease. This means that brushing your teeth is important. It will prevent plaque build up and minimize the likelihood that you will develop gum disease. This will help prevent respiratory diseases in your body.

Better Pregnancy

Brushing your teeth is particularly important while you are pregnant. If you do not care for your teeth, it is likely to suffer from problems in your gum. This can cause a problem known as pregnancy gingivitis. Many studies have shown that women who suffer from this problem also have preterm or low birth weight babies. Hopefully, brushing your teeth can prevent these problems.

Increase Weight Loss

Many people can meet their weight loss goals when they brush their teeth. After brushing your teeth, you will have less of a desire to snack. Food doesn’t really sound that appetizing once you have brushed your teeth. Most people wait a few hours in the morning to eat. At night, they usually do not want to snack after they brush their teeth. The activity alone often tells the brain that eating is over for the day.

Improve Cognitive Function

An interesting benefit associated with brushing your teeth is improved cognitive function. Although most people assume that better cognitive function results from drinking green tea, eating omega-3s, exercising, or playing Sudoku, brushing your teeth can help too. Studies show that people with gum inflammation have lower cognitive function. Therefore, brushing your teeth regularly might minimize the risk of cognitive dysfunction and Alzheimer’s disease.

Fewer Sexual Problems

When you do not brush your teeth regularly, you can experience problems with your sex life. This is not simply due to bad breath. Instead, there is a link between individuals that develop erectile dysfunction and gum disease. In fact, approximately 80 percent of men with gum erectile dysfunction also have gum disease. In these scenarios, brushing the teeth might make a tremendous difference on a person’s health and sexual life. If you are not brushing your teeth daily, make it a goal to change. This habit is important for your health and for good oral hygiene. For more information, contact California Dental Group.

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