Dental News

Learn Why Dental Implants Are Often a Dentist’s Top Choice to Restore Their Patient’s Teeth

February 15, 2023

Learn Why Dental Implants Are Often a Dentist’s Top Choice to Restore Their Patient’s Teeth

You might be interested to hear that dental implants are frequently a dentist’s first choice when it comes to treating a patient’s damaged or missing teeth if you’re attempting to select between dental implants and other dental treatments. Your dentist will probably recommend implants above any other form of therapy for a number of very excellent reasons.

Keep reading to learn what they are and then contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to make an appointment with a California dentist.

They resemble teeth in every way

The fact that implants are just as sturdy and solid as natural teeth, which means they fit, function, and feel like natural teeth, is one of their best qualities. The last thing you want to deal with is issues when you speak, smile, or eat because any other form of dental solution might lead to bone deterioration.

They are long-lasting

After a year or so, you won’t need to worry about getting your dental implants updated. Even conventional bridges have a limited lifespan, typically lasting more than ten years with proper maintenance. Your bridges will eventually need to be replaced, but implants don’t require this. Even though they might need to be adjusted now and then, if you take care of them and make sure they are positioned properly, they can last you the rest of your life.

Improving your features

You might not be aware of it, but a lack of teeth can cause your face to droop and appear sunken in. Your face can maintain its natural form with implants, allowing you to grin with assurance. You no longer have to be concerned about remaining in and risking social embarrassment due to your smile. Additionally, you won’t have to stress about your teeth falling out when you talk, laugh, or eat like you could with some of the older styles of dentures.

Protect your teeth

Since leaving gaps in your mouth after losing a tooth can cause decay and jawbone loss, quality implants can help you preserve healthy bone. Your jawbone begins to degenerate since it is no longer supporting your teeth, which means that it is no longer as solid and robust as it once was. The only effective technique to promote bone regrowth and stop bone loss is with dental implants.

There are no cavity concerns

For crowns restored by implants, you won’t need to be concerned about cavities. One thing to keep in mind with implants is that, just like with your natural teeth, you will need to visit your dentist sometimes to have your implants cleaned and cared for.

Imagine being able to enjoy all of your favorite meals, to laugh without worrying about your missing teeth showing, and to smile confidently in front of others. The California Dental Group is here to address any inquiries you may have regarding dental implants or other dental procedures. Just call us at (800) 407-0161.

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