Dental News

Elderly Patients Have Many Options to Improve Their Oral Health

January 13, 2017

Elderly Patients Have Many Options to Improve Their Oral Health

It’s true that everyone needs regular dental care but it’s also true that our elderly citizens have unique needs. As life expectancy numbers go up, there is a bigger demand for oral care for folks well into their elder years. Thanks to advances in dental care in the last 50 years, there are fewer elderly folks with missing teeth than there were in previous generations, but there are still typically teeth to repair.

Treating missing teeth in elderly patients

For elderly folks who are missing teeth, there are a few options. There isn’t one option that works best for everyone. Instead, we recommend call California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to set up a consultation. We can assess your needs and help you understand your options moving forward. In some cases, bridgework may be the best choice for a few missing teeth, while numerous missing teeth may require partial or complete dentures.

What to expect from a dental consultation

We know that one of the most common reasons people don’t visit the dentist as often as they should is because they have anxiety. This anxiety can often dissipate if you’re sure what to expect. When a patient visits us for an appointment and they’re missing teeth, we’ll first determine the extent of the tooth loss. This generally includes getting x-rays and evaluating the patient’s mouth.

No one is too old to visit the dentist

We’ve spoken with the loved ones of our elderly patients and one thing we’ve heard time and again is that some elderly patients simply think that they’re too old to go to the dentist. They assume that they don’t have many years left, or that procedures would be too costly or take too much time. At California Dental Group, we accept virtually any insurance you can imagine and we also offer financing options. It is our belief that everyone deserves dental care.

Why do the elderly teeth with age?

While there are certain lifestyle habits that can lead to tooth loss, the truth is that most people will lose at least a few teeth if they live long enough. As more teeth are lost, the jawbone actually recedes, which leads to issues with the gums and can cause trouble chewing. There is one main solution to this issue: Dental implants.

The ins and outs of dental implants

Getting dental implants begins with having a titanium post installed directly into the gums. They then bond with the jawbone that’s there. Once they’ve healed, an artificial tooth is installed on the post. This can help prevent receding of the gum line, loss of sensation when chewing, and other common issues with dentures.

If you or a loved one needs dental care then we encourage you to call California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to set up your appointment. We have a variety of solutions for virtually any oral health issue you have.

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