Dental News

Bad Breath 101: Learn What to Do When the Mints Just Won’t Cut It

June 7, 2021

Bad Breath 101: Learn What to Do When the Mints Just Won’t Cut It

Are you dealing with terrible breath? Do you feel that you have bad breath and that mints are just not doing enough to fix the problem? Keep reading to learn some of the most common causes of bad breath and then contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to make an appointment with a local dentist.

Make Sure You Are Brushing and Flossing Regularly and Correctly

First and foremost, make sure that your at-home dental care is being done correctly. If you are brushing daily but not flossing, remember that food could be stuck between your teeth. If it is left there, it will begin to rot and decay. This creates terrible smells and is not a pleasant feeling in your mouth. Make sure you brush at least twice per day and floss once per day to prevent this issue.

Take a Look at Your Medication

If you brush at least twice daily and floss regularly, then you might want to take a look at your medications to see if any of them could be causing bad breath. No, you will not likely see “bad breath” as one of the potential side effects, but you might see “dry mouth.” Saliva is there for a reason, and part of that reason is to keep your teeth clean.

If you do not have enough saliva, then you cannot expect your teeth to stay as clean as they could between brushings, and you cannot expect to have great breath. You can counter this issue by increasing the amount of water you drink so that your saliva production can increase.

Do Not Sue Tobacco Products

If you need another reason to quit smoking, consider that it can cause serious issues within your mouth. Smokers have yellower teeth and worse breath than a person who does not smoke. What’s more, you are also at a higher risk for gum disease and oral cancer, both of which cause decay and can cause very bad breath. Add bad breath to your reasons to quit smoking.

See Your Doctor

If you brush regularly, do not have a problem with saliva production, and you do not smoke, then bad breath could be a sign of another medical condition. One of the most common examples is acid reflux. This involves acid rising up from your stomach into your throat. The leftover residue can smell quite bad. Talk to your doctor about how to treat this condition.

Let Us Help You Say Goodbye to Bad Breath

Of course, your dentist is a great person to help you determine why you have bad breath and how you can say goodbye to it for good. Contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 now to make an appointment with your local dentist and let us help you find the right way to get lovely breath again.

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