California Dental Group

Are You Considering Dental Implants? Learn Three of the Reasons They Could Be a Great Choice for You

Dental implants are the long-awaited solution for certain patients. They are not, however, the best choice for everybody. Discover three indicators that you might be a good candidate for dental implants as you continue reading. Call California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 if you’re unsure or want to make an appointment to learn more about your cosmetic dentistry alternatives.

Your Gums Are Healthy

The condition of your gums is one of the main criteria that will determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. Gum disease increases your risk of developing other oral health problems as well as general health problems. The good news is that we can assist in restoring your gums to health if they are currently unhealthy.

We’ll start by examining your gums and giving them a full evaluation to see how they’re doing. Most of the time, we can successfully treat your gum disease so that dental implants can be placed. We will go over your options with you so you can choose wisely.

You Have Not Experienced Serious Bone Loss in Your Jaw

Dental implants are actually placed into the bone directly beneath the gum line when we place them. There must be enough jaw bone left for us to insert the posts into for the implants to function properly for you. The bad news is that bone loss accelerates frequently when teeth are gone. A large amount of bone loss is also expected if you have had a missing tooth for a long time.

You can only find out if you have enough bone for dental implants by speaking with your dentist. Don’t worry if you are not a candidate for implants; we have other solutions for you. Also keep in mind that just because you have been toothless for a long time does not indicate your bone density is insufficient. Bone loss can also be greatly influenced by heredity.

Dental Implants Are Recommend by Your Dentist

Your dentist may not think implants are the best option for you for other reasons even though your gums are healthy and your bone has not degenerated. The implantation procedure entails a number of phases, and we won’t advise you to proceed until we’ve finished an extensive examination and consultation.

Dental implants have been shown to produce outstanding results for some people, but they are not right for everyone. You can rely on us to be upfront with you about what is best for you. To find out more about how California Dental Group can assist you, call (800) 407-0161 right away.

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