Dental News

Acidic Drinks Are Bad for Your Teeth: Learn Why This is True and Why You Should Avoid Them

September 30, 2022

Acidic Drinks Are Bad for Your Teeth: Learn Why This is True and Why You Should Avoid ThemYour diet can affect the condition of your teeth in a variety of ways. In recent blog postings, we even discussed foods that may accomplish both goals. We also want to emphasize that what you drink might have an impact on the health of your teeth and gums in addition as what you eat. Continue reading to find out the issues with acidic beverages and why you should steer clear of them.

Remember that daily flossing and brushing are two essential steps toward keeping your teeth in top shape, along with dental cleaning and exams every six months. You can request this type of cleaning and exam by contacting California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161.

Why are acidic beverages so damaging to your teeth?

Any beverage you consume that has a low pH level can seriously harm your general health and, especially, your teeth. They eat away at the enamel of your teeth, which is part of the problem. Keep in mind that, while being the toughest component in your body, dental enamel is nevertheless vulnerable to acidic foods and beverages. These beverages have the potential to wear away enamel and reveal the dentin below over time.

Following this, there are a few things to be cautious about. First, because dentin is yellow, it will be more visible through weaker enamel. Additionally, teeth with exposed dentin are quite sensitive. Dentin should not be subjected to chemicals or other substances. People with sensitive teeth, toothaches, and/or hastened tooth decay may discover that these issues are partially a result of acidic beverages eroding enamel and exposing dentin.

Choosing acidic beverages

We advise avoiding these popular acidic beverages if you want to preserve your enamel and maintain your teeth as healthy as possible: Carbonated beverages, including diet or sugar-free choices, wine, liquor, and fruit juice, particularly citrus. Although we don’t advise against drinking them, try to limit your intake.

What to do if you do consume acidic beverages

Use a straw if you’re planning to consume an acidic beverage. As a result, there is less contact between the liquid and your tooth enamel towards the back of your throat. Additionally, we advise cleaning your teeth after consuming an acidic beverage. But you shouldn’t brush for approximately an hour after drinking it. Why? Because acid temporarily softens your teeth, you run the risk of more tooth damage if you brush shortly after consuming an acidic beverage. Likewise, avoid brushing too vigorously since this might harm the enamel.

Has something harmed your enamel?

The best thing to do if you are concerned that your enamel has been damaged is to make an appointment for a dental examination and cleaning. It is the most accurate approach to learn about the condition of your teeth and what you can do to enhance your oral health. We might be able to take preventative measures to help you have better teeth as well. To begin, contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 right away.

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