Dental News

Archive for March, 2018

3 Ways to Help Your Kid Fight Plaque and Have a Healthier Smile

March 7, 2018

3 Ways to Help Your Kid Fight Plaque and Have a Healthier Smile

As a parent, you want your child to have a happy, healthy smile. The truth is that plaque is simply inevitable. That said, this doesn’t mean that you can’t greatly reduce the harm it does to your child’s teeth. We want to ensure that your kids are as healthy as possible, which is why were’ here to offer three tips to help your kids fight plaque. If you have questions, or you want to make an appointment with a family dentist, contact …

Do You Have a Cracked Tooth? Try These Pain Relief Methods

March 5, 2018

Do You Have a Cracked Tooth? Try These Pain Relief MethodsAnyone who’s cracked a tooth knows that it can be more than an eyesore and more than an annoyance – it can be downright uncomfortable. Of course, the best thing to do for it is to contact to make an appointment to see a dentist. However, there are a few steps you can take to try and reduce pain in the meantime.

Try oil of cloves

Also known as eugenol, this is an ingredient that’s used in dental procedures and in dental products because it has natural antiseptic properties….

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