Dental News

Smoking Vs Vaping: Which is Worse or Better for Your Teeth and Gums?

June 2, 2021

Smoking Vs Vaping: Which is Worse or Better for Your Teeth and Gums?

While most people know that neither smoking nor vaping is good for their health, many people assume that smoking tobacco is worse for your teeth and gum than vaping is – but is that true? Let’s take a closer look to get the facts. Remember you can contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 for help with all your oral health needs.

Vaping Has Many of the Same Compounds That Are Present in Smoking

When you smoke a cigarette, there are a number of compounds within it that will affect your health – including your oral health. Unfortunately, some of these compounds are also present in vaping. For example, tobacco and nicotine, both addictive and potentially dangerous substances, are in most vaping products.

Both Smoking and Vaping Cause Dry Mouth

One of the biggest issues that smoking causes for your teeth is dry mouth. This is an issue because the purpose of saliva is to clean your teeth of bacteria. If you do not have enough saliva, then your teeth will not be as clean. Vaping appears to cause as much dry mouth as cigarette smoking does, so it is not better for you in this regard.

Smoking Cigarettes Will Yellow Your Teeth

One difference is that vaping does not generally yellow the teeth. On the other hand, tobacco can cause yellowing and staining. This is from the tar in the cigarettes and is made worse, once again, by the lack of saliva, which would otherwise help clean the teeth. There are professional teeth whitening options to help you get whiter teeth, but if you continue to smoke, then you can expect that your teeth will continue to yellow.

Both Cause Serious Health Issues

Remember that if you smoke or vape, you are endangering your health. The health of your gums and teeth can have a big impact on your overall health, but the opposite is also the same. If you begin to suffer from the health issues that can often be caused by smoking, you can experience a reduction in your immune system’s ability to right off disease – including gum disease.

The Best Option is to Not Smoke Anything

As you can see, the best possible option is to not smoke anything. It is bad for your teeth, your gums, your lungs, and your overall health. Not to mention the consequences you will face due to bad breath and stinky clothing.

If you have gone more than six months without having your teeth cleaned, we highly recommend you contact California Dental Group at (800) 407-0161 to set up an exam and cleaning.

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