Dental News

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Improve More Than Just Your Smile

June 5, 2014

Cosmetic DentistryAccording to numerous studies, a person’s smile is among the top features people notice upon first being introduced. For this reason, a healthy and bright smile can be crucial for ensuring both good dental hygiene, as well as contributing to a more confident demeanor.

Things like injury, illness, and even medications can alter your smile over time, with often disheartening effects. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry can address a number of issues concerning one’s smile. The results of such procedures range from an increased level of self-assurance to better health overall.

Teeth Whitening

A bright and dazzling smile can have quite a positive impact on your life. As a result, whitening procedures are a common treatment for patients looking to improve the sheen of their teeth.

Along with regular cleanings, whitening treatments can work wonders for restoring the previous luster of one’s smile. These treatments often involve a type of bleaching gel, which can be effective for removing stains and spots. Bleaching gels can also reverse the signs of aging, which can render teeth a less than appealing color over time.

While whitening can be very useful for many patients, those with more pressing concerns may need additional procedures to truly improve their smiles. These can include things like crowns and veneers, which are sometimes required in more significant cases.

Composite Fillings

For cracked and decaying teeth, a composite filling can be just the solution. This procedure is intended for those possessing notable damage to their teeth, which can lead to further degradation down the line.

In most cases, a filling is used to remedy cavities that have eaten away at the tooth. In the event that a filling is needed for more visible areas of the mouth, the color can be matched closely to ensure an attractive smile. This is important for those suffering from considerable tooth decay, which can have a drastic impact on one’s self-esteem.


Orthodontics  procedures offer treatment for misaligned teeth. While treating tooth displacement can be important to maintain good dental health, it can also be vital for creating a healthy and appealing smile.

In general, orthodontics can address a number of concerns. These can include cramped teeth, problems with bite radius, overlapping teeth, and other issues related to tooth displacement. While these problems tend to be addressed in childhood, adults can also make use of procedures aimed at straightening and re-positioning teeth.

Here’s to a Bright and Healthy Smile

Maintaining a great-looking smile is essential for both physical health and mental well-being. Fortunately, California Dental Group can offer solutions to a host of dental problems, including fixes for a number of cosmetic issues. With a bright and healthy smile, you can remain secure and confident no matter what.

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